Thursday, May 12, 2011


I feel like I'm making up with a long lost friend. I know I've been gone a long while, but I'm back and promise not to leave you like that again....forgiven?

So first we should play catch-up? I've been gone since last August, and what have I done with myself you ask? We'll clearly not what I should be. Working out and staying fit/health was going great until just after Christmas where there was sickness compounded with bad weather - I'm sad to say I fell of the wagon. The early spring didn't really improve either. However, its funny what tight pants will do for ones motivation. Hell, tight pants was what got me into this in the first place wasn't it? Well, now the size 9's don't fit and the size 11's are getting uncomfortable...sssssooooooooo, it's time to get back at it!

Really, my largest problem isn't staying active. I'm actually pretty good at that, my real problem is what I'm putting in my body and HOW MUCH of it I'm putting in. Eating too much of healthy foods really isn't much better than eating too much of unhealthy food - when you boil it right down, it's all about caloric intake. You MUST burn off more than you take in, and lets be honest: lately that's not been happening for me.

So what now? Now I go back to using the Daily Plate to track input and output. Making an effort to get an extra workout in a week - and this might mean the home gym! Or, taking the whole family to the Canada Games Center to which we recently got a family membership. It might be a tad harder at first, but maybe if I can get everyone working together it might workout??

Lets end with a photo montage inspiration the first time: