Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Burpees Day 10

I was doing great with the burpees...until this weekend. I did Fridays', and Saturdays, but missed Sundays. :( So, Monday I told myself that I would do Sunday's and Mondays, but the day turned out so busy that I didn't get to workout at all - with the exception of a 35 minute walk.

Here we are Tuesday, and I found that my buddy Shanan was in a similar position. So, we decided to start out  noon hour of Tabata workout with yesterday's burpees, and conclude with todays burpees. Sounds great, right? WRONG! Phew, that was some kinda a$$ kicking!

Here's what it turned out to be:
  1.  40 burpees
  2. 20 seconds plank, 10 seconds flutter kick
  3. 20 second of 3 point toe touch (front, side, rear with other leg in squat position) alternating legs, 10 second rest
  4. 20 second wall sit, 10 second rest
  5. 20 second sit ups (with 10lb weight), 10 second twists (10lb with weight)
  6. 40 burpees
The best and least expensive piece of equipment that I've ever bought for myself is my Gymboss, while it's useful for tons of things, it's really essential for tabata training. I think it cost me $20 (taxes in)!

As a reminder of what a tabata looks like, here's a quick chart that illustrates it quite well.

And finally, to leave things at a happy place, here's a last image that popped up with I Googled the words tabata training :)
Enjoy! ; )

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Still at it

Burpee day 4 - 33 burpees!

Today Shanan and I decided to 1/2 the burpees pre workout, and the second 1/2  post workout. I realize there is no good way to do 33 burpees! LOL!

Today's routine was put together thanks to Shanan, and here's what it looked like:
  1. wood choppers (do each side)
  2. pairs plank - facing each other, when both are 'up' clap opposite hands in the air
  3. single leg deadlift with 5lb weight in each hand
  4. plank with weight - while one person is holding a plank the other person does hip lifts with their feet up on the butt/back of the person doing the plank!
  5. Hip lifts (see above)
  6. squat with a twist (one weight over head while at same time other hand with weight touches the ground - like a windmill)
  7. sumo squat with a tricep raise (single weight over head)
We did 12 reps of each exercise, and did the whole routine twice. Took about 35 minutes. Good workout, got it done, and feeling good!!

See you tomorrow : )

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Still lovin' the burpee

Today is day 3 of the Burpee challenge, and I'm feeling good! Initially I had started with ten burpees, and adding one each day. My GOOD friend Shanan pointed out to me that this was meant to be a challenge, and that really 10 burpees is not a challenge for either her or I. THANK YOU Shanan (please hear the sarcasm) for making me up the anti - so, yesterday I did 31 burpees!

The other thing today marks, is the first day of regular noon hour workouts!! Today Shanan and I quietly got a workout in at the office! We located an empty cubical in a quiet spot on the floor, and we were off. With only two mats, a stability ball and some light hand weights we were able to get in a solid 35+ minutes.  We were good and sweaty by the end. I'm feeling really good about this - the start of a really good thing!

Here's what we did (each exercise was done 12 reps/3 rounds) I called this the 'Full Body':
  1. Calf raises (holding at 5  lb weight)
  2. Hamstring curls (on the stability ball)
  3. Sumo Squats (with a 10 pound weight)
  4. Side Lunges
  5. Wall squats
  6. Crunches
  7. Plank
  8. Triceps dips
  9. Side plank (with dip)
  10. Shoulder press (with two 5 pound weights)

See you tomorrow!