Wednesday, June 30, 2010

sick, sick, sick

This time its not me, its the boy - strep throat. I spent the night on puke patrol (but only two instances). So,I was home today looking after him - and I missed my noon hour Carly workout. I'm bummed - Shanan called to rub it in tell me about it.... :(

I TRIED to make myself do a homeworkout on the TRX, but it just didn't happen....I wish I had. Tomorrow is son's birthday, and Canada Day, and I'm hoping that Hubby and I can sneak downstairs tomorrow morning at some point and get a sweat on (man, that totally sounds wrong....) before all the festivities.

I did walk the girlies tonight, but my knee is achey so I didn't really get too far - better than nothing I suppose.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

images of the weekend

So there was no official workout this weekend. While I had considered it on Friday, after the amount of yard work I did I felt I had burned the extra calories!

Here is the weekend in an image snapshot:

Grand Chief Membertou's 400th anniversary events on the Halifax Commons

There were playdates:

birthday parties at the pool:

and yard work (I rearranged this entire bed):

I trimed most of the hedges:

and stacked wood:

Phew! I'm wiped...I think I need a vacation from my weekend - thankfully this is a three day week for me coming up!!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Carly's POWER 1/2 hour!

Today was a very active day. I started my day early at the office as I was trying to make up some of the time I'd had to use to make all the physio appointments. Meeting at 9:00, pushed some paper around until noon, workout with Carly, meeting at 2:00, pushed a few more papers around until it was quittin' time.

Once I got home I mowed the lawn (an hour of pushing my NON propelled mower around), then took the dogs to the park for a run, then cleaned the kitchen. Now I sit here, tired and contemplating a white wine spritzer!

Workout was killer! Man, Carly really takes advantage of every minute of the power half hour!! She has also very quickly figure me out - I'm competitive and a good trainer can use that to push me. For instance today in the line drills (my last of the circuit we did) I was moving fast and well, but clearly not as fast and I could. Carly saw this, called me on it, then started running beside me to make me move my a$$! Funny, it works everytime :)

After a 3 minute warm up on the rowers, the workout was a 90 second circuit of:
  • Abs - hand to opposite toe, arms down, other leg up and touch toe.
  • 2 footed jumps - 4 low obstacles far enough apart to jump double footed over each one, then run back to the start and do it again.
  • Med ball run - running up and down the stairs in Core with a 16lb med ball - and again I heard 'you can run faster than that Maggie!' :)
  • Plyo box jumps - I used the high box, and was very careful about walking back down
  • Squat with a double armed row (using a elastic band with handles)
  • Push ups using the suspended rings
  • Line drill - run half way (touch the floor) run back to beginning (touch floor), run to end (touch the floor), run back to beginning.
Then  she called for the mats and I mistakenly thought we were going to start stretching - WRONG, Ab work time:
  • plank for 2 minutes (in a variety of positions - on elbows, on hands, one leg out, one arm out, etc.)
  • toe touches - one leg up and the other hovering above the floor - touch. Switch sides (20)
  • bicycle (opposite elbow to knee) (20)
  • another one I can't remember.....
Then it was stretching time....phew. And again, a slight wave of nausea - which I'm starting to think is my new clue that I've worked well in my 1/2 hour session ; )

Anyway, I'm tired and think I've earned a little to find my book and drink!

PS Goal for next week is to get back into the picture mode - I know it makes the blog so much better!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Carly workout

So, another great day and another workout - thanks to Carly. I must say that I'm really enjoying her workout ethic of  'take a rest when you need it, 'cause I'm not going to offer you one'! LOL!

The workout was a blur, and as seems to be her way even the warm up is a workout! LOL! There were lots of double handed swings, alternating swings, alternating swings while walking - now anyone who knows me well will tell you that I'm not the most coordinated person and new moves often take me a while to master (read: I trip and fall all over the place hurting myself as I go)!  Over head presses, figure 8's with a lunge (again, the coordination is an issue here...and I have the bruises to show for it!). And just when I think we're done, and we pull out the mats ... its not stretching time, its AB time! Well, now that its over I'm feeling good. I had the nice, jello-y feeling afterwards - all nice and mellow.

It was a busy day at the office - one of those day when you look at the clock and realize you have 1/2 hour left before it quittin' time. Eye doctor appointment at the end of the day, then rush to the soccer field (which was cancelled due to rain) - quick stop by Subway for supper...we all LOVE Subway - it's quick, healthy and where can three people eat for under $20? :)

Tomorrow and Friday will be more so - and tomorrow I have an interview for an internal job. I'll do fine, but will I do well enough to be the 'chosen one'? Time will tell, and with that I'll sign off as I have to review some information and try to figure out what to wear....I've grown out of all the nice suits I have - not that being smaller now is a bad thing, but I wish one of them fit right now!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today was another day of rest, and another day of eating well - at work anyway. What is up with me and the night time snacking?? I seriously need to get this under control!

Tomorrow is another Carly workout, promises to be excellent and I can't wait!! For the next few weeks I'm going to stick to the M, W, F workouts and MAYBE throw in a homeworkout on the weekends. I feel that my body needs a rest - maybe that's what all the tightness in the muscles and injuries is all about? My body is obviously trying to send me a message, I need to listen up I think.

So, no workout, but tonight I took the pups for a walk.  Later I met up with an old friend from the old hood and walked with her and her very old dog - so I brough Abby who is quiet in the car and better to walk than Echo. We had a nice slaunter through the old neighbourhood.

I'm pooped, and can't wait to curl into bed with my book.....
Nitey nite

Monday, June 21, 2010

back to the bells

Today was the first day back with the kettlebells after a week off!! It felt great to be back at it, but I have to say even in that one week off I've gotten rusty. I didn't cave and start with the lower weights though, I jumped right in with the 35 lb and made it through the session without feeling like I needed to give in. I did use a lower, 25 lb, for the Turkish get ups and rows - but that's normal to switch down for those moves. I can't remember exactly what we did, but it was a great general workout for me getting back to it.

Also, Laurissa is off this week (giving a Kettlebell certification session in Cape Breton) so we had a new trainer - Carly. It must be hard being the 'new trainer' but she did great. Its obvious she knows her stuff and is really keen. She has a no-nonsense style that I LOVE. Her moto is take a break if you need it cause I'm not going to offer it to you! LOL! She'll be fillining all week - that means Kettlebells on Wed and Power Half hour on Friday!

I also had some fun with Brian at physio this morning too! He hooked me up with the stim machine via acupuncture needles in my leg! Wow, it's really odd to watch your foot twitch and turn alllll by itself! Good thing I brought a good book! :) I think one more session on Wed and I might graduate!! Yiiipppee!!

Anyway, I'm feeling good, slight headache - but I'm blaming the barometric pressure for that! We had the most amazing thunder and lightening last night, and they are calling for it again tonight! Hopefully night two wil be enough to break the humidity!


Saturday, June 19, 2010


So, I've been MIA (missing-in-action) or more correctly, MOOA (missing-out-of-action) due to the whole fibia injury. But, the good news is that yesterday (Friday) after my third physio I was feeling well enough to attempt a 1/2 hour noon workout (Power 1/2 Hour)! Yeah!!!

The workout was great! It was fantastic to start moving my muscles again, but I will say I noticed a decrease in stamina - to be expected I suppose. The workout was mostly upper body, but there was some use of the lower to get the upper working. There were also a few exercises that required lateral movement of the knee which I didn't do (modified into something else). All said, it was good. The knee was a tad achey afterwards, but really nothing significant.

Laurissa utilized the TRX's for this workout, and I was quickly reminded of how this super simple piece of equipment can so quick target muscle groups. It also reminds me that I have one in my house and I need to start taking advantage of it much more often!!

Here's the workout: (TRX Endurance Circuit)
  • TRX kneeling row out (20) - this one is HARD on the core!!
  • TRX Sprinters Start - pause at the top (20 per leg) - not so difficult, but totally gets the leg and the core
  • TRX Single Armed Back Row (20 per arm) - this isolates those arms!
  • 2 minutes Cardio - 30 sec shadow skipping, 30 sec scissor skipping, 30 sec ski skipping, 30 sec shadow skipping
  • TRX T & Y Deltoid Fly's (20 total, 10 T's & 10 Y's)  - more ARMS!!
  • TRX Single Leg Squats (20 per sides), with a plyo jump if you can - I didn't do it, as I was saving the knee
  • TRX Chest Press with leg abducted and out to the side, not the rear (10 per side) the leg out makes the core totally engage while you work the upper body
  • 2 Minutes Cardio - 30 seconds jumping jacks, 30 seconds side shuffle, 30 seconds short lunge (swing leg front lunge into a rear lunge) right leg, 30 seconds short lunge left leg.
the following were in the TRX workout online, but we didn't have time to do them on Friday:
  • TRX Reverse Oblique Crunch (20 total)
  • TRX Plank - hold for 30 seconds (you can drop to elbows if you can)
  • TRX Hamstring Curls - (20 reps) 
  • 2 Minutes Cardio - 30 seconds squat jumps, 30 seconds scissor legs long, 30 seconds, 30 seconds mountain climbers, 30 seconds jumping jacks.
You can find this workout on the TRX website. Also, remember the intensity in the TRX is all about the angle you place your self. At home, or if you had more time you would repeat the circuit at least one, maybe two, more times!

The plan is no workout today - however with this beautiful weather I'm going to be in the garden for a few hours, which technically is like a workout. Tomorrow, hopefully, I will do a home workout on the TRX.

Ok, out to the garden. And, I promise to try to get back to the daily blogging!

Monday, June 14, 2010

bummed out

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this is all I have to say:

No exercise for a few days, I'm walking like a gimp, it hurts, and I'm not a happy camper.

That's it..... : (

Sunday, June 13, 2010

#$%#$%^$# injuries!!

I've really been fighting some physical discomfort lately, and it seems like once I take the time to take care of it something else starts to hurt! I was having pain in my chest and back muscles - I saw Angie and my chrio who both helped put things back to rights.

For the past week my hamstrings have been TIGHT and my bad knee (right knee) has been starting feeling 'wrong'. To the point of me stopping exercising, but I've been stretching, heating, drinking tons of water, and using Epsom salts. Yesterday my IT band started aching and my knee, yes that bad right one, was hurting. today I did a little research and here's what I found out:

What Causes Iliotibial Band Syndrome?

There are two main causes of knee pain associated with iliotibial band syndrome. The first is "overload" and the second is "biomechanical errors."

Overload is common with sports that require a lot of running or weight bearing activity. This is why ITB is commonly a runner's injury. When the tensor fasciae latae muscle and iliotibial band become fatigued and overloaded, they lose their ability to adequately stabilize the entire leg. This in-turn places stress on the knee joint, which results in pain and damage to the structures that make up the knee joint.

I think my problem isn't the running, however it might have been the proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back'. I think its just overuse and the extra weights from kettlebells. This means that I'm going to have to slow things down for a little while and see if I can't make things better.

I stayed away from the studio this weekend thinking that if I rested it I'd be up and at it on Monday. I'm afraid that might not be the case. I did take the kids on a nice, long bike ride - although I don't think that really made anything worse. The site I listed above is a great source of information, check it out.

Here's what I made to cause myself LOADS of pain help:

So, the above is my rolling pin, wrapped in a towel, that I will now 'roll' my body up in an effort to stretch the TIGHT IT band. Let me just say that while this really works, it REALLY HURTS the point of screaming out loud.

Ok, now you see what I have to go and do...I'll check in tomorrow and fill ya' in!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tired, tired, tired

Not sure why, it was a good day - booty bootcamp at noon. Shanan and I went about 15 mins early and did our own workout with the bells and the skipping ropes. So, all said I got a good 45 mins in. Also, I neglected to add that last night after I blogged, I took the girls (my pups) for a 3km run!! Soooo, maybe that's why I'm tired and my hamstrings are wicked tight!!

Tonight I was super mom, took my kids, my dogs, another local kid to the park before supper. After supper we cleaned up, did some homework, read books, etc....I even took 20 mins to tend the veggie garden!

Eating today was excellent! As I type I'm sipping on my low cal hot chocolate which I'm hoping will kill the snack cravings I'm presently having. Fortunately I'm tired enough that I'll soon be in bed and will sleep through the cravings!

The kids are hitting the hay and I think I'm not far behind them.....


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Tipping Point

Today was a super, busy, sunny day! Yeah! I was uber productive at work, I actually cleaned the kitched before I left the house while still making it to work on time, and had a fan-figgin-tastic workout at noon!

Un-beknown to us ladies Laurissa wasn't available and Craig was filling in for her. The difference is that Craig can push you just a little bit harder than Laurissa can (Laurissa is a kinder, gentler trainer), and sometime folks can find this intimidating. For me its a love/hate thing. I love the way I feel afterward - I know I've worked hard and got a good 'bang-for-my-buck', sometimes I hate the fact that it won't be one of those workouts you can sail your way through.

Anyway the workout was mostly kettlebells (I used a 30 lb, but likely should have taken the 35 lb) and looked like this:
  • Double handed swings
  • Alternating swings
  • Double handed swings
  • Squats (with the kettlebell)
  • Squats with an overhead press
  • Lunges (with the kettlebell)
  • Lunges with an overhead press (a bit of a tricky move at first)
  • 10 double handed swings, 10 burpees - FIVE TIMES
  • Step ups (on the plyo box) 10 left, 10 right - THREE TIMES
  • cool down using the foam rollers - which I LOVE! 

These are my trainers - Craig and Laurissa. They basically ARE Core Essentials (there are other wonderful trainers too!) but these two are the core of Core! HA!

Ok, gotta go be soccer mom - supper's almost done. Don't ask what it is, cause its not what I would call a healthy supper - its a fast supper!

Later : )

Monday, June 7, 2010

quick & dirty

Great day, but as the night is approaching I'm quickly running out of time - Brownies to get the girls to, math test to help son study for, supper to clean up after, supper for following day to make, laundry to switch, resume and cover letter for job posting that closes tomorrow at get the picture!

Workout was great, it was torture by tobata! Here's what it looked like:
  • burpee tobata
  • renege rows (6 per side)
  • mountain climber tobata
  • renege rows (6 per side)
  • bootstrap tobata
  • wood choppers (16 per side)
  • new exercise - in a plank, swinging legs from one side to the other but kicking your butt when in the middle...hard to describe this one ; p
  • single legged deadlifts

I also saw Angie (my massage/osteo) this afternoon - she thinks after Friday when I see my chriopractor that all the pieces of this puzzle I call my body will finally snap into place! I'm holding her to it, but I also think she's right!

Ok, gotta jet - it's resume time!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Back from Annapolis

I'm back and feeling refreshed. It was a terrific conference (I've helped organized it in years gone by and know how much work is involved) in a wonderful location - beautiful Annapolis Royal!

I didn't eat well (I made mostly good choices of what was offered, but obviously had very little choice. I also didn't exercise - I thought about an early morning run (I even went as far as setting the alarm clock) but it rained the whole time I was there - @ 6am I justified this to myself saying 'it's too wet out there, you wouldn't want to slip and hurt yourself'. Roll over, back to sleep! LOL!

Anyway, here are some pictures, of the landscape mostly, from my trip...warning: remember, I'm a GARDEN LOVER!!

This is actually Grandville Ferry (taken from the Annapolis wharf)

We took a tour of the Historic Gardens, above is an authentic Acadian house (replicated, and it would be pre-expulsion for any history buffs out there).

One of my faves, a RED horsechestnut (in bloom!)

view through the gardens of the dykes beyond

the Rhododendron beds - more colour of Rhodo's than I've ever seen in one place

pond with bridge above

rock gardens

Laburnum (Golden Chain Tree) arbour!

A Weeping Elm!! (in North America most Elms are infected with Dutch Elm Disease - this littl beauty was PERFECT!)

a lastly a fragrant Viburnum (small, white flowering tree in the foreground) with a spent Magnolia in the background.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leaving town

I'll be off-line until Saturday - I'm leaving this afternoon to a conference in beautiful Annapolis Royal. I can't wait. I'm staying in a beautiful B&B called the Garrison Inn - I will have the Queen sized bed and bathroom ALL TO MYSELF!! :)  I've packed my skipping rope and sneakers and hope to get a workout in at least one of the two days I'll be away. I also have my camera, and will take loads of pics!

Today's workout was Kettlebell Express and it was AWESOME - here's what it looked like:

  • 15 Burpees
  • 50 Double handed swings (35 lb bell)
  • 15 Bootstraps
  • 30 Double handed swings
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (really 40 if you could each touch)
  • 15 box jumps
We did this 3 times! Phew, I was really sucking air after that, but feeling good! Most of the class cooled down, but one of Craigs clients had joined us (as Craig is out of town for the next fewdays), so Laurissa added a few other exercises for us.
  • 15 snatches (R)
  • 40 Mountain Climbers (really 80 for each touches)
  • 15 snatches (L)
  • 15 deadlifts (R) (with 30 lb bell) on the plyo box
  • 15 deadlifts (L) (with 30 lb bell) on the plyo box
So now I have the wonderful 'happy tired feeling' I have after a good workout! I'll need this happy tired feeling to help me cope with my travel buddy - a hippy at heart who does not cope with a time schedule!

I'm outta here, see you all in a few days!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hair cut for a cause

My dear friend Shanan did a brave thing today, she cut her hair off - and I mean all of it! She had really long hair and decided to let it grow longer than usual and then donate it to Angel Hair for Kids. I'm really proud of her wanting to be part of such a worthy cause, but also for following through. So many times we aspire to do 'the right thing' but fall short - not my Shanan!!

I looked and looked for a 'before' pic and the only one I can find are some workout pics (we DON'T look good in those) and this one from New Years Eve - which really doesn't show you her hair very well, but here goes:

On to other things, today's workout (Booty Boot Camp) was all tabata - all the way babe!
  • step ups (on a plyo box) right leg
  • step ups (on a plyo box) left leg
  • calves tobata - up and hold, up/down pulse, toes in with up/down pulse, toes out with up/down pulse
  • deadlift tobata - I included a 20 Lb kettlebell in each hand to make it harder
While the rest were cooling down I grabbed a 30 pound kettlebell and practiced some double handed swings, single armed swings and alternating swings. This was more for my form than anything. I've really been thinking about my form these days and trying to pin point what I can do to improve it.

The rest of the day was good, and I've been contemplating my eating habits - which have vastly improved. Its become easier to eat healthy, and I find I'm craving the sweets less and less. Its starting to become habit. This will be put to the test Wednesday to Friday of this week as I'm heading out of town for a conference. We all know that eating on the road, and while away is difficult but I'm feeling good about it. I'm also going to pack some snack foods as I think this will be the downfall of the trip. I plan to bring my skipping rope and sneakers so I can go for  run and exercise while I'm away - or aleast that's the plan.

Ok, now I really have to go pack my bags!!!