So, I've been MIA (missing-in-action) or more correctly, MOOA (missing-out-of-action) due to the whole fibia injury. But, the good news is that yesterday (Friday) after my third physio I was feeling well enough to attempt a 1/2 hour noon workout (Power 1/2 Hour)! Yeah!!!
The workout was great! It was fantastic to start moving my muscles again, but I will say I noticed a decrease in stamina - to be expected I suppose. The workout was mostly upper body, but there was some use of the lower to get the upper working. There were also a few exercises that required lateral movement of the knee which I didn't do (modified into something else). All said, it was good. The knee was a tad achey afterwards, but really nothing significant.
Laurissa utilized the TRX's for this workout, and I was quickly reminded of how this super simple piece of equipment can so quick target muscle groups. It also reminds me that I have one in my house and I need to start taking advantage of it much more often!!
Here's the workout: (TRX Endurance Circuit)
- TRX kneeling row out (20) - this one is HARD on the core!!
- TRX Sprinters Start - pause at the top (20 per leg) - not so difficult, but totally gets the leg and the core
- TRX Single Armed Back Row (20 per arm) - this isolates those arms!
- 2 minutes Cardio - 30 sec shadow skipping, 30 sec scissor skipping, 30 sec ski skipping, 30 sec shadow skipping
- TRX T & Y Deltoid Fly's (20 total, 10 T's & 10 Y's) - more ARMS!!
- TRX Single Leg Squats (20 per sides), with a plyo jump if you can - I didn't do it, as I was saving the knee
- TRX Chest Press with leg abducted and out to the side, not the rear (10 per side) the leg out makes the core totally engage while you work the upper body
- 2 Minutes Cardio - 30 seconds jumping jacks, 30 seconds side shuffle, 30 seconds short lunge (swing leg front lunge into a rear lunge) right leg, 30 seconds short lunge left leg.
the following were in the TRX workout online, but we didn't have time to do them on Friday:
- TRX Reverse Oblique Crunch (20 total)
- TRX Plank - hold for 30 seconds (you can drop to elbows if you can)
- TRX Hamstring Curls - (20 reps)
- 2 Minutes Cardio - 30 seconds squat jumps, 30 seconds scissor legs long, 30 seconds, 30 seconds mountain climbers, 30 seconds jumping jacks.
You can find this workout on the
TRX website. Also, remember the intensity in the TRX is all about the angle you place your self. At home, or if you had more time you would repeat the circuit at least one, maybe two, more times!
The plan is no workout today - however with this beautiful weather I'm going to be in the garden for a few hours, which technically is like a workout. Tomorrow, hopefully, I will do a home workout on the TRX.
Ok, out to the garden. And, I promise to try to get back to the daily blogging!