Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today was another day of rest, and another day of eating well - at work anyway. What is up with me and the night time snacking?? I seriously need to get this under control!

Tomorrow is another Carly workout, promises to be excellent and I can't wait!! For the next few weeks I'm going to stick to the M, W, F workouts and MAYBE throw in a homeworkout on the weekends. I feel that my body needs a rest - maybe that's what all the tightness in the muscles and injuries is all about? My body is obviously trying to send me a message, I need to listen up I think.

So, no workout, but tonight I took the pups for a walk.  Later I met up with an old friend from the old hood and walked with her and her very old dog - so I brough Abby who is quiet in the car and better to walk than Echo. We had a nice slaunter through the old neighbourhood.

I'm pooped, and can't wait to curl into bed with my book.....
Nitey nite

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