Thursday, August 12, 2010

TRX Thursday!

I did NOT want to workout today. I wanted to snuggle down with my book (Loving Frank, by Nancy Horan - fictional piece about Frank Lloyd Wright, architect) and eat a chocolate bar. To make matters worse, Laurissa is away for a few days so it was CARLY DAY (read: Carly makes me work REALLY hard and pushes me). BUT, thanks to the Jen's that I workout with I went. Sadly, Carly is leaving Core - Carly has been accepted to the United Nations University in Costa Rica for her Masters- how amazing is that! She assures us that she will be back and forth - we have not seen the end of her. We are holding her to that and a few Hustle classes in December!

Carly combined the TRX with the Tobata (20 seconds work, 10 second rest)-  had lined up for us:
  • tobata: of Plyo jumps/ Y's
  • tobata: mountain climbers/pike
  • tobata: hamstring curls/swing throughs
  • tobata: rows
  • tobata: single leg squat with a plyo jump
  • tobata: push up/bicep curl
  • tobata: (on the ground) knees in, knees to left, knees to right, pike, push up (continue until you expire OR the 20 second is up)
  • tobata: single arm pulls (for the obliques)
I was good an tired, but not sore and not exhausted. A few hours later I was just in that nice happy-tired place where the world can go on around me and doesn't piss me off! The true test will be how I feel tomorrow when I try to crawl out of bed!

A rest tomorrow, but I'm gonna get a home TRX workout in this weekend - promise!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back at it!

Well, I'm back from vacation and back to the TRX! I have to say how amazing it is to see the change a week can make - I was low on energy today! Phew! I worked slow and steady through the exercises and "got 'er done"!

It was a great workout, a combination of TRX and non-TRX exercise that were really strength moves using body weight. While I was really tired afterwards, I was feeling much more relaxed - a good thing for today as I have a long night ahead of me working (3 presentations in camera to our Regional Council).

Ok, off to Council......then a beer!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3 n' 30

So, I'm on vacation this week - means no structured Core workouts : ( It is, however, a good chance for me to show myself that I can also workout on my own! Therefore, this morning was skipping with a hint of TRX at the end. I used my Gymboss and set out a 3 minute skip followed by a 30 second bootstrap  - this was done 7 rounds! Here is my blurry action shot:

I was pooped by the end of it, but as hubby was just finishing on the TRX so I did a little upper body (fly's, push ups, rows, I-T-Y's, tricep curls).

Then we were off to the beach for the afternoon, home before supper so I got a little more yardwork done - I trimmed 30+ feet trimming the rear hedge (which hadn't been done last year to it was REALLY woody!)..tomorrow I'll finish the other 30 feet, unless it, I sit sipping a 'Dark & Stormy (ginger beer and rum)..mmmmmmmm!

Should be able to get those pesky kids in bed soon and maybe watch a movie with hubby!

Day one of vacation - check! Four more to go!!!
