Thursday, February 4, 2010


I began working out in July of 2009 with my goal of looking and feeling better by the time I turn 40  - on the beach at the Dominican Republic! I generally don't weigh myself (aside from the more recent X-Weighted Challenge that I've been doing with Shanan), and instead Laurissa (our trainer) belives a better gauge of succss is the use of body measurements. I concur.

I've been sick lately and not feeling like I've been giving my workouts 110% (cause I just don't have the energy!) - I needed a little boost to remind myself that I'm right on track. So, I asked Laurissa to measure me today (2 weeks early). I'm pleased to see that my numbers continue to change, for the positive, and I thought I would share.

Since Nov 13/09 I've lost:
  • - 2.3" from my chest
  • - 0.5" from my biceps
  • - 2.5" from my waist (this is the natural waist)
  • - 1.5" from my abs (this is what I think of as my waist)
  • - 0.5" from my hips
  • - 0.5" from each thigh
  • - 0.5 from each calf
In total this is 8.3" of body, mission accomplished - I'm impressed and feel like I can contintue!! Now, if I could just stay OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!! A great day nutrition wise....until I walked in the door at home! I don't know what is wrong with me, I do great when I'm away - what is it about this house that makes me want to eat (even when I'm not hungry!!).

Today we had another great workout, some new and some old exercises to a new routine. It was more strength training so I didn't leave super sweaty, but tomorrow I'm bound to be sore!! Also, still with the sickness in the chest (I'm seeing my Doc on Tuesday!) I don't think I would have had much of a cardio workout in me!

Another cold nite, I'm off to the sofa with my super trashy novel!!

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