My youngest has asthma, and not a normal asthma, but something called Cough Varient Asthma. What does this mean you ask? Well, it means that when she is symptomatic it is a cough not a weaze, and it is at night not daytime. Odd eh? Anyway, she has had it since she was 18 months and as she has grown up it seems to bother her less and less. However. the past few days have not been good, and last night I was up all night with her. The best thing, aside from her puffers, is cool air. Our basement is cool (and so much better than walking in the backyard, which I've done when she was smaller), so she and I snuggled in the basement for several hours until the cough was almost not there. *She will cough until she isn't breathing in as much as she is breathing out*. I think I put her to bed at 2-ish. Then my son, god love him, had nightmares from 4 am on. I think I actually told him I was gonna 'blow chunks' if I didn't get sleep soon (it made him laugh anyway).
So, today I was home...sleeping! I went back to bed once they were off to school until well after lunch!! I felt somewhat better, my heart wasn't racing anymore but I still laid low. Before supper I was feeling well enough to try out the TRX - its awesome. A 30 min workout had me sweating!! I wasn't going at full speed, but it should make up for missing our noon hour workout.
What I'd like to do this week is use it every day that I don't have a regular workout, so that will be Tues, Thurs and the weekends. There are lots of routines you can download, so I'm off to surf the TRX website!
Here's one that I'm looking at right now:
PS Today was a good eating day, in part due to the sleeping all morning! LOL! But my snacks were will have to be to make up for the frozen yogurt that I ate last night!! : }
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