Friday, April 30, 2010


I know weighing in isn't a good or clear indication of where I am, BUT today I hit a number I've been hoping to reach - 165lbs, and it feels GOOD! Before our vacation I saw stuck at 168, then just before we left I was 166, upon return 169! But I didn't obsess about it, and I didn't change anything (maybe working out a tad less! LOL!) I think I weighed 165 in my University years and maybe that's why this number has more meaning....I'm not sure, I just know that it feels good. My secret (not so much anymore) number that I had hoped for since the beginning is 160. For my size (5'9") and large frame (my grandmother used to make Lopi sweaters for me and always claimed that I had the shoulders of a linebackers!)

Here's my attempt to prove show you my magic number (no comments please about the toes, no ones toes look nice!):

Workout was great. I have to admit that I've been having some workout anxiety this week.I mentioned it to hubby who totally understood. Ever since I took the drop in kettlebell call last week with Craig I've been having performance issues! LOL! I''ve been playing head games with myself - "am I working hard enough?" or "do they (Laurissa and Craig) think I can/should be working harder?".

Here's the think, I'm was a distance runner in my youth - I learned to pace myself and always leave something in the tank for the final push. When I workout I have the same mentality - and then when I'm done and still have 'something in the tank' I feel like I let myself down and should have pushed harder. It a lose/lose mentality I have to shake. So thanks to hubby and Shanan, who both said 'put that aside and just work really hard from the begining and don't worry about holding back' I had a great workout - and it felt fun again! I think my mojo has returned!! Yeah!

Here I am in my office before working out (I meant to take an 'after' shot too, but forgot!):

Todays workout was a skipping tobata, inter-mingled with ab work! Phew!
  • Skipping tobata (30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest = 8 total working reps) - high knees
  • Sit ups - legs down, legs up int a V and reach hands to toes, legs back up and lift legs to ceiling (30 reps)
  • Skipping toata - jacks (while skipping legs out to the side, legs in; repeat)
  • Side plank - full arm, lowering waist to the ground and back into side plank (30 reps per side)
  • Skipping tobata - scissors (while skipping, one leg to the front and one to the rear then switch; repeat)
  • 'Bridge' Abs - single leg bridge lifting hovering leg to the ground and back up, lower out of bridge with leg still suspended up and lift it to the ceiling. (20 reps per leg)
As I'm often finish before the other ladies Laurissa had me doing push ups - so I did 10 push ups after the sit ups, 10 after th side plank, and 20 after the bridge abs - this is 40 extra push ups!

Right after the workout I had to rush off and pick up my son who wasn't feeling well. So, I missed lunch. I did grab a 500 ml chocolate milk (mmmmmmmm!) on the run and then once I got him settled at home I had this:

I love blackberries and they've been on sale And really, is there anything better than peanut butter on an English muffin with a nice cup of tea?

So, now I'll keep my eye on the little guy (who is actually taking a nap right now!) and get some housework done.

And, try not to worry about tomorrow's kettlebell class....I'll do the best I can....period!


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