Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quickie Tuesday

Rainy day, and still no mojo. However, after confessing my lack of Mojo to Laurissa she assured me it happened to alot of people recently on a relaxing vacation. And, low and behold, after working out I started to feel a little more like my old self - a little more like 'ok, lets DO this thing!'

Workout was quiet today, it was myself and one other lady so Laurissa modified the workout specifically for each of us. Mine looked something like this:
  • warm up - 5 mins skipping, and 5 mins on the water rower
  • lunges with 2 x 30lb kettlebells (10 reps)
  • prisoner squats (20 reps)
repeat above.
  • pull ups on the hanging rings (12)
  • two footed jumps to a platform (20)
repeat above.
  • pull up on the hanging rings (12)
  • two footed jumps to a platform (20)
repeat above.
  • 2 handed kettlebell swings with a 30lLb bell (20)
  • walking lunges with a weight - swinging weight to opposite lunging leg (throws you off balance and your core really kicks into to stabilize you and keep you from falling over!) (10 reps)
repeat above.
  • laying on back with legs overhead, bring legs up into the air (lifting bum off floor), then lower legs slowly to the floor, and back up and overhead (basically you are folded in half here). (12 reps)
  • laying on back legs in V reach between legs, legs together and lift heels to the sky, then lower legs to the ground. (12 reps)
repeat above.

That's it, with a nice cooldown/stretching. I was good and sweaty, I worked hard and felt good afterwards! I also had more energy an hour after I was done. I'm starting to feel like my old self - so much so that I signed both hubby and I up for the Saturday Kettlebell drop in class again!!!

So, that's it for today. Tomorrow is another good day and I have to say I'm starting to get excited about it - hubby on the other hand is 'feeling fat' and not getting his mojo back. However, he knows that if I can get it going on then it rubs off on him (competitive much!LOL!)

Alright, back to trying to register my kids for summer camps and get my summer organized!!

Nitey nite

PS I will try to take more photos for tomorrow.

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