Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'm BACK!!!

Sorry, I've been back a few days now and haven't posted. I'm just about caught up with the laundry and housework.....and I've also been thinking about renaming or revamping the blog - rather than Fitter 4 Fourty, now I am Fitter @ Fourty? Keep your eyes open for a change in the future!

I'm just back from my first workout since the vacation - and OMG, it was a one hour kettlebell session with Craig, and it completely kicked our a$$ ('our' being hubby and myself and Shanan!). The yard work I'd planned to do toady may be postphoned until tomorrow when I'm recovered! LOL!

Anyway, I promise to start posting photos from the trip tomorrow, but for now here are some of my faves:

My toes and the pool (the kids spend all day, every day in the pool!)

The sunrise on our beach in Rio San Juan - just me and the beach! The family slept in most mornings, so I'd take the quite time to myself and have an early walk on the beach.....beautiful!

and lastly, me in the bikini....its' not what I had imagined I would look like, but its definately an improvement over what I looked like last July before I started working out.

Ok, that's it for now...just a taste, but tomorrow I'll start really getting into details of the trip. Tomorrow is also rest day (however there will be loads of yard work) and Monday Craig will be teaching our Noonhour workout for Laurissa as she has an important meeting.

It's great to be back but hard to get into the grove of real life.....


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