Friday, December 30, 2011

Getting ready!

Today I can honestly say that I REALLY feel like I'm starting to feel positive and motivated again! Why is this you wonder? How can things change so drastically in a few short days?

I wish I could completely answer that. How do you switch from mildly depressed about feeling bad about your body, to positive about upcoming change (and looking forward to the work that will get you there)?

Part of it was reading Scott's blog, and seeing how other people also tend to fluctuate from a healthy body with good eating habits, to a less than ideal shape and poor eating habits. Also, I opted to take up his 30 Day Burpee Challenge as a New Years resolution - I posted this in my status of my Facebook and flippantly suggested friend might want to join me. And you know what? They DID! I created a little Facebook group for the 11 of us to post our daily successes. It feels like I have cyber workout buddies!

Also, I found a quiet space on my floor in my office building where I can do lunch workouts! Today I brought in a mat and stability ball. I'm also going to take some time to prepare a few 30 minute workouts that I can just grab and go without much mental effort. I'm secretly hoping I might be able to convince my buddy Shanan to join me in this endevour!

Today is also day 2 of eating healthy and it feels good. I'm using Daily Plate again because I like the way it is easy to use and makes me accountable to everything I pop in my mouth without thinking first!

So, that's it for today....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

She's BACK!

Ok, this year will be short, concise posts. I tried to have long, descriptive posts with photos and images, but it took alot of time and I slowly stopped doing it. SSoooooooo, now it will be short and sweet posts, if for nothing else than to keep track of the days I've had success with getting a workout in and ate well.

  • I've just found a new website that  I think will be a big help called Inner Skinny. I'm taking his Burpee challenge!! Wish me luck!
  • I've started back up with the Daily Plate to help with intake.
  • I've found a small area in my office building that I think I should be able to get in 30 minute workouts (if I don't tell anyone and am really quiet)!
  • Power Skating starts next week, and I now have posession of some borrowed hockey gear. 
There's my pep talk for today. Now, off to catch a bus home and then walk the doggies in the COLD! :)



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Isometric Intervals

In preparation for today I did some web research to find a good workout. My first stop was the TRX Training site where they are good enough to post videos of some of the best or newest workout trends. So, with my little piece of paper in hand, TRX over the shoulder, and Gymboss firmly attached at my waist I headed out (with my colleague Jenn).

Here's what the Isometric Interval looked like (I had to modify it as there were two of us and only one TRX). Isometric Intervals, or 10-3's, are 6 sets: 10 seconds holding a position, 3 second rest. The idea being that your body doesn't get as tired, and you hold better form which teaches your muscles to work more efficiently. The other bonus is the claim that this type of workout boosts metabolism. Here's what ours was:
  • Mountain Climbers (TRX), while your partner skips (for the same amount of time)
  • Side Plank (TRX) while partner does High Knees
  • Hip Extensions (TRX) - this is more of a hamstring hold - and partner does bootstraps
  • Rear Leg Lunge hold (TRX) while partner 

Because that really didn't take that long I took another online workout for Core Stability that looked like this:
  • Sit up with twist to the side (20 reps)
  • Knee tuck with Pike (20 reps)
  • Mountain Climbers (20 reps)
  • Plank from elbows while abducting legs (scissors) (20 reps)
  • Knee Tucks (with kick to the side, but we didn't do it!) (20 reps)
  • Push ups (20 reps)
Here's what I looked like upon return to the office:
Remember, the more 'red' I am the harder I worked - so over all I thought that was a 85% workout. I'd do it again!

Tomorrow is a day of rest, but TRX again on Thursday (the girls are already sending me their desired exercises), and Friday will be another Run I think. Now, if I could just get that chocolate bar out of my mind I'll be doing ok!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Lets try this again....

Ok, last week (as my re-start to a new routine) was a bit of a bust.  Shanan and I worked out with my TRX in the park beside my office building and I wrecked myself! My shoulders were so sore I was taking Aleve for 3 days, I couldn't sleep though the night, and I was whingey!  This weekend was spent at the rink, and when I wasn't at the rink I was cleaning the house. I did walk the dogs, but it wasn't the nice, long walk we all three needed.

Today I couldn't muster up the courage to go out and do anything complicated - so I simply went for a run. Well, a jog! And, as I haven't been running for ages I did the smart thing and started with intervals. I used my GymBoss and set up a one minute run, 30 second walk. I did 14 rounds, which means I ran for 14 minutes, walked for 7, and a total of 21 minutes of activity! Most good running websites teach good running technique and encourage new runners to start with a slow but steady interval that will over several weeks, get you to running without stopping a set distance.

There is a nice trail along the Harbour that I used today, however I only went 1/2 way, and then moved up to Portland Street for my return trip:

So, tomorrow will be TRX in the park again with Shanan, and perhaps even Jenn! I'm going to try to spend sometime on the computer tonight and arrange the routine.

No, if I can just eat healty and be mindful of my caloric intake....all I really need to do is rest my hand on my belly to remind me what it's all about! :}


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September is a good time to get back on the Wagon!

So, I'm finally back from holidays and back at work - last week! LOL! This week I'm finally making the time for myself. Plus, I feel fat in all my pants.... :}

Last night I made my husband take the kids to their evening activities so that I could have an hour to myself to walk the dogs. It was a beautiful night, and we logged a 4 km loop that took us just under an hour. We were really moving at a good clip as I let my younger dog Abby set the pace!

With hockey try outs, gymnastics starting and both kids being a grade higher with more homework it's not realistic for me to think that I'm going to be able to get out every night. So, this means I have to make something work over my lunch hour. I've workout long enough with Laurissa to know what to do. I also have my own TRX, skipping rope and Gym Boss.

So, today I convinced Shanan to join me out in the little park beside our office building. We ended up doing 9 tabata's, but as we only have the one TRX we paired exercises as follows: 
  • Squat's - Warm up
  • Mountain Climbers & Star (TRX)
  • Lunge 'swing throughs' & Shoulder Press (TRX)
  • High Knees & Tricep/Bicep (TRX)
  • Deadlifts (no weight) & Bulldogs/Hamstring curls (TRX)
In total this was 36 minutes of work. We were pleased with ourselves for doing it, and not worrying about who might be watching (and actually there weren't that many people around). Those that did notice us were more intrigued with the bright yellow TRX than Shanan or I!

So, hopefully tomorrow's schedule will allow me to do another 4Km with the dogs and I'm planning to hit the TRX in the park on Thursday!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I can't believe it's been a week since I posted! I've been busy, perhaps so busy that I haven't made the time to post? Perhaps.

Since the last post I've made it to Core twice over the past week (Real Ryder each time, as that's what the schedule had to offer that worked for me, but also I've been trying to give my hand time to rest). This weekend past we went to New Brunswick to camp with one of my long-time friends Sara and Mo (and their kids). We had FANTASTIC weather and an all around awesome time - we adults have discovered that the older the kids are the easier the trips are on us. Their new found freedoms all them to come and go around the camp ground and require substantially less parental involvement!

Monday am, after dropping off the youngest at her camp, I took the oldest with me to Core. Cole was teaching a 45 min bootcamp styled class - it was harder than I though it would be, and I'm still feeling it today!

Tuesday am, today, I similarly dropped off and took kids with me to Core - today was a 4 minute ride with Laurissa. There were only 4 of us in the class, and two were Shanan and I, so I convinced Jake (the oldest) to grab a bike and ride with me! He did great, with the exception of cracking himself in the ankle at the very last minute! I think his pride was more injured than his body. I wish I'd taken a photo, but instead you'll have to have a look at this one of the two of us that I took on the beach in New Brunswick:

Tonight I'm pooped. I also washed, waxed and cleaned the interior of the car today. I just finished making cookies and cleaning up supper. I'm DONE!

Tomorrow I'm taking a day of rest from Core, but I do have planned to haul the rest of the wood from the driveway and into the basement. If I have the energy/time I might also trim the hedge and there was talk of grabbing our bikes and doing the BLT trail.....we'll see!

So, while I'm on vacation I'm hardly taking it easy (well, for now anyway). It is nice to be out of the office, even if this is more of a 'stay-cation'! :)


Monday, August 8, 2011

Canada Games Centre

Halifax has a wonderful new sports facility, and lucky for me, it's really close to where I live! Also lucky for me, I work for the municipality and they offer a corporate membership that is slightly less expensive but also a payroll deduction.

When the Center was still new and exciting I enrolled our family for a membership. Sadly, since the novelty wore off we haven't been using the Center like we should be. I took the kids on Sat for a 2 hour swim (where I treaded water for nearly 45 mins) and decided that we need to be making better use of the facility as a family.

Tonight, Shanan and I are took in a 1 hour aqua aerobics class - and it was awesome. It had been a while since I've taken a water class, and I'd forgotten some of the moves, but we just kept bouncing along and by the end we were sweaty *yes, you can sweat in the pool* and tired.  Also, we were chatting up one of the regulars and she was telling us about the other classes - Zumba in the water and cycling in the water!! How much fun does that sound? Next will be deep water aerobics I think! We are going to try to go twice a week, and still fit come Core Essentials in too.

Good workout, eating was half decent (translates into "I didn't eat the chocolate bar I was lusting after all afternoon), and we even brought the kids to the pool! The family that plays together, stays together (however, they are soooo tired and cranky I might be willing to part with them - cheap!)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

U2 & no workouts

I've been M-I-A since the's the update, visually:

camping in the rain......
drinking in the rain....
U2 - rain stopped one hour before the concert!
The concert!!!
Jay and I at the concert!
 So....since then I've been doing some more of this:

and not nearly enough of this:

But I have been doing daily LONG walks with these:


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


No workout today :(

Short blog today :(

Why? Physio for my hand, and I should be resting it and not typing and not using it. :( It needs a week or more of rest - and believe it or not it's tricky to find exercise that doesn't involve my hand!

So, tonight I'm going to take the pups on a nice, long walk. This way I get in some cardio, burn some calories, and spend some time with my poor neglected  pups.

Oh, and regarding the bathroom situation - the upstairs bathroom is OPERATIONAL, but the downstairs not. I'm told that when I arrive home tonight it should be all put together - I'm not holding my breath....

Oh, and I weighed in this morning - 167! This means I've lost 5 pounds in a week. I don't really believe it. I've been good, but not that good. I'll re-weigh tomorrow to double check!

Ok - need to go ice the fingers in my hand.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, no workout & no bathroom......

So, I don't remember if I mentioned but we had a sewer back up in our basement on Father's Day - June 19. We have had many delays in getting the bathroom put back together as it needs to be built to the National Building Code requirements and clearly it wasn't when it was built by the previous homeowners in 2001. It's been two weeks of lots of problems and little forward movement. I JUST WANT THE BATHROOM BACK!!! :(

during the backup
Stripped down to studs
We have walls and floors - but sadly its looked like this for weeks now : (
I put on a lunch time event for my professional association today, so I was unable to get a workout in today. Tomorrow is a Ryder and maybe Abs....

I'm wicked tired for some reason - and I need to start packing my camping gear for the U2 concert that hubby and I are going to this weekend. I'm rather excited, although to look at me you wouldn't know it!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, monday....

Weekend catch up: One word - AWESOME! We spent Saturday at my best bud Shanan's cottage, swimming, seadooing, lounging, and eating! Pictures are worth a thousand words:

Relaxing me in my 'bug' sunglasses!
kids chillin'
Jeff - touring the kids (over, and over, and over!)
Happy, wet Abby begging for food!

Today, Shanan and I took in a Real Ryder class - Cole style! It was all intervals - hill work, speed work, and very little rest. Phew, way to 'bring it' Cole!

Tomorrow there is no workout - I have a lunch time event that my professional association is putting on. The good news is I weighted in tonight - 170 lbs. This means I've lost 2 lbs somewhere! Yeah!!

Later :)

Friday, July 22, 2011


Man, if I thought I was tired today BEFORE workout, I clearly didn't understand the meaning of fatigue. Workout today at a Real Ryder class with Monique and an Ab class with Cole. Both were awesome, but ever since I've been sooooo tired. I'm sorry, I'm so tired that I can't even summon up the energy to try to remember what we did.

So, it's been two full weeks of working out almost weekday (9 out of 10) and so that I don't start to get cocky again I decided to weigh in. No surprise I'm back to 172 lbs. No surprise, but a bit of a bummer I must say. I shook off the sadness about the weight and I'm going to use it as motivation instead. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I'm just going to change it! Everyone has to start somewhere.

I'm also going to try to get hubby going this weekend with a home TRX workout with me. This way I get an extra workout in and I start to get him interested in taking care of himself again - he's almost ready, he's said as much. So, I'll leave you with a pic of the two of us taken after a weekend workout at Core (when we were both much thinner):

post workout - somehow I always look worse!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Full Body Fatigue

I woke up this morning wondering how I was going to going to get out of bed. My whole body hurt so much. Last night I took care of myself - I drank extra water, I used the foam roller and did 10 minutes of stretching. Regardless, today I'm sore - it was mostly my glutes and hamstrings.

I wasn't sure if working out today was a good idea, but I did it anyway. Already I fear tomorrow and trying to get out of bed. Tonight I'm back on the water, and even had a soak in a hot tub. I might even take a pre-emptive Advil or 4.

Today was TRX with the Cole - man of few words, and fewer breaks. I went in there with the attitude that I was going to get through it, and rather than trying to bang out as many as I could I would watch my form. Plus, my damn hand is still hurting and I had to take it easy.

I can't remember what we did, other than it was all intervals - as is Coles way. Don't get me wrong, I like Cole, and I'm really starting to like the interval. He's silent and deadly - unpretentious but man, does he ever get the job done. Plus, I noticed today that he's taking more time to correct people's form as they work, which to me is the sign of a good trainer. It's just that he's hard, which is great, but make me whingey afterwards. The pic below shows some of the moves we did today - I honestly think we used every muscle group! LOL!

Tomorrow is a 30 minute Ryder class with Monique, who always BRINGS IT!, and then 30 minutes of Abs with Cole (not our usual Mike). I'm excited and worried all at the same time. I better hit the sack so I'm at least rested for tomorrow!

Oh, I forgot to mention that 3 days ago I started using the Daily Plate again, and I'm loving it! It makes me much more responsible for the food that I put in my mouth. When I went to the theater I had actually saved enough calories for the treats that I knew I was going to have, and I was still at my 1800 calorie limit for the day! I suppose you could say that Daily Plate is similar to Weight Watcher, but with Daily Plate the onus is on you to ensure you have good coverage of the Food Guide. 

Ok, off to bedie-byes - Later

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It's dinner time and I'm pooped. It was a busy day of running around, and it's finally summer temps around here! Daughter and I are hitting the movie theater to avoid the temps (even though our basement is deliciously cool).

Lunch time workout was Kettlelbell Express. This is a hard-hitting 30 min workout! I was swing the bells yesterday for only a few minutes, and today my hamstrings and glutes are TIGHT! So, after another 30 mins of 'bells today I'm guessing that I'll be crippled! LOL!

lens6904132_1252478023kettlebell.jpgLaurissa had us doing groupings of three today, such as: 20 double handed swings, 15 burpies, 20 double handed swings. Or 15 clean and press (one side), 20 bootstraps, 15 clean and press (other side). There were more like exercises (wood choppers, around the body with a stall, etc) but my brain refuses to remember. My body, on the other hand, remembers all too well as I continue to stiffen.

Interestingly, I dropped a bell today. My right hand has been aching lately - mostly the joints at the middle two fingers. After dropping the bell, and leaving a large DENT in Laurissa's floor, we both agreed that I should go see my chiropractor or physio. I'll see about an appointment tomorrow - which is good as I'm off in the afternoon to pick up my son from his first week at 'sleep away' camp!

Tomorrow, if I can walk, is TRX with the task-master Cole - I'm dreading it already. Now, today, I tell myself that I'll just take it easy. The problem is that tomorrow, in the class, surrounded by fitter (and often younger) people I refuse to take it easy. In my head I tell Cole "yeah, this 41 year old can BRING IT!". I'm such a freak! :)

Ok, off to the Movies - theater popcorn here I come!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


First I need to catch you up for Friday  and the weekend. On Friday I did the 1/2 hour Real Ryder and then 20 mins of Ab class. I was really tired afterwards, but I was proud of myself for making it to the gym 5 DAYS in a row! I can't remember when the last time that happened! :)

This weekend past was to be relaxing  - but as usual I couldn't help myself and did a half day in the yard mowing/weeding/trimming the hedges. That said, I do find time in the garden relaxing mentally, and not that strenuous physically.

Today is Tuesday, and Monday was a write-off. My son, who is at Camp for the week, ended up in the local hospital with a little heat exhaustion. Good news, after some Gravol, a power sleep, and some bland food he was feeling well enough to return.

This brings us to today. I had planned to do TRX, however by the time I got to sign up it was FULL! So, instead we did a 1/2 combo of Power Half Hour & Tabata's. Basically this means the hard work of Power Half Hour but timed in a tabata style - 45 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. We did the routine twice, and the start of the third ending with the swing lunges.Here's what it looked like:
  1. double handed swings (kettlebell)
  2. Swing lunges (single leg lunge forward, then backward) R side
  3. Swing lunges (single leg lunch forward, the backward) L side
  4. Squats (with jump if desired)
  5. burpies
  6. crunches
  7. push ups
  8. plank
Oh, and I've decided to stop fooling myself, and start up again with the Daily Plate. We all have the propensity to lie to ourselves about how much we've eaten, or how bad it might be for us. I'm no different than anyone else, and lets face it if I want to loose 10 pounds (and I do, so that my clothes fit comfortably again) then I need to be more in touch with my caloric intake and output from working out. If you've never tried it you should check out the site - it has lots of educational and motivational information as well.

Tomorrow is Kettlebell for 1/2 hour. Should be fun, I haven't swung a bell (aside from today) in ages. Hopefully my hips can take it! :)


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tabata's & Water Rower

It just dawned on me that today is my 4th day IN A ROW that I've made it to the Gym!! I honestly can't tell you the last time that happened. I can't tell you the last time I made it to the gym 4 times in a week, let alone consecutively!

Tabata's today were:
  1. 20 sec plank, with 10 seconds of flutter kicks (8 rounds);
  2. 20 seconds of wall sits, with 10 seconds of rest or holding wall sit and alternating leg lift;
  3. Burpies - 20 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest. Or squats for 20 second, and holding a low squat for 10 seconds;
  4. 20 second sit ups with a weight (med ball) and 10 seconds of  overhead circle with the ball (from the floor lifting shoulders off the floor)

Because that wasn't hard enough, or we weren't sweaty enough Shanan and I stayed and did 2000m on the water rower. Now, we haven't touched a rower in ages, but Laurissa said we needed to do it in under 10 minutes. I got mine done is 7:55 and Shanan's took 8:58. Not bad. And, we had good 'splits' - the split is the speed to strength ratio (I think). Here we are afterwards!

So, that's it for today. Tomorrow will be Day 5! Tonight's a "crazy-running-around" type of night, I'm sure I'll be in bed at 9pm : )


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shanan's Back!

Yesterday was my workout buddy Shanan's first day back at Core after more than 6 wks of - it was so great to look over and see her smiling face with sweat dripping off it! LOL! :)

Laurissa was channeling Cole yesterday for TRX and we did interval training with the focus on abs and upper body (with just enough legs in there to give a full body fatigue today!) It was also one of those workouts where the time is suddenly done, and your not sure where the 45 mins went.

Last night was re-arranging the basement ON THE NEW CARPET!! Yiippppeeee! We only got the TV up and the large furniture in, but MAN, does it ever look and feel fantastic down there!!

Today is another Ryder class - which is a great combo of cardio and strength for those leggies! We also came to terms with our measurements today (something neither of us has done in months). Not unlike weighing in, it's eye opening but also gives you a goal. If I compare where I was August of last year, here's how it plays out:

Chest: 35.5" (down .5" from last year)
Bicep R: 12.3 (up 1.3" from last year)
Bicep L: 12" (up 1" from last year)
Waist: 29" (up1.5 from last year)
Hips: 41.5" (up .5" from last year)
Thigh: 24.5" (up 1" from last year)
Calves: 14.75" (same as last year)

All in all that's not too bad, and IF I CHOOSE to work hard not drink beer I could get back there in no time :) Shanan was similar in her lack of difference in her measurements. Now we are both more motivated!


Monday, July 11, 2011

RealRyder Tabata's

Ok, weekend catch up - rainy Saturday so I ripped up the carpet off my basement stairs in preparation for the new carpet that is being laid TOMORROW!!  Here's the finished product:

I learned two things: 1. carpet is a disgustingly dirty thing, and 2. removing it's a wicked upper body workout.

Sunday was BEAUTIFUL - sunny and warm, with a nice breeze. So, I mowed the lawn, and weeded one of the garden beds.  There was no structured workout, but again I got in some good exercise.

Today, Monday was back to Core at lunch. Cole was teaching the Ryder class, and in true Cole style it was interval training - tobata style! For those of you who don't remember what a Tobata is, here's a great site that give a good description.

I'm happily tired. I ate a super healthy supper of stir fried veggie with some chicken thrown on top for a  little protein. I made enough that I even have some for lunch. And, as I type this I'm thinking I'm going to make a protein shake for tomorrow to help get through that 45 min TRX class! I'm super psyched that my old workout bud Shanan is back on her 'workout feet' again, and we'll workout together again for the first time in about 2 months! Having a workout buddy REALLY helps with the motivation.

Ok - the garden calls me : )

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back to Core

Well, yesterday was a rite off - both exercise and eating. There was NO time for any workout, which I might have been ok about if it were for those potato chips that fought their way past the beer and into my mouth last night.:P

But, that was yesterday and today I AM GOING TO CORE ESSENTIALS at lunch!! I really don't have the time to take, but I've been so cranky that I'm making the time! It's just a quick, little 30 minute RealRyder class. Just enough to work off some steam and motivate me to make some better food choice today.

Ok, so I made it! Got the ride in and I now feel Sssooooooo much better! Here's a quick self portrait I snapped immediately after class - I don't look very pretty, but you can tell that I worked hard!

Even better, was that the Wednesday Market is up and running today!  What is the Wednesday Market you ask? Well, my building opens its doors to local vendors on Wednesdays to sell their goods. In the spring, summer and fall months there are one or two fresh produce vendors. Today I picked up some new potatoes, a romaine lettuce, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, snap peas and apples for just under $20. Have a look, they are so fresh!

Feeling much better - healthy eating and exercise achieved today!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dry Land Training

I rarely find time any more to get those weekend workouts any more. I used to be really good at fitting in something, even before we got the TRX. Today my son, 11 year old the hockey crazy boy, asked me if I wanted to do some off ice training - dry land training. Fun! We convinced hubby to join us too!

We grabbed the TRX and exercise ball and went outside. Our side yard has some beautiful, large trees - perfect for hooking the TRX into and it provides some well needed shade on this wonderful summer day.  We also dug out the GymBoss to help us along. We started simple, 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. Nice easy exercises, 2 mins of work - we did this group twice:

1. Single leg reverse lunge on TRX
2. Single leg reverse lunge on TRX - other leg
3. Tricep dips on ball
4. Skater lunges (great for those hockey player fast starts)

Then once my son was done, hubby and I did another set (40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest):
1. sit ups with ball over head
2. low rows on the TRX
3. Delt/Lat 'Y' exercises on TRX
4. Plank/push ups

Here's a video of the skater starts, however we did them more with the leg shooting out and back like a skater rather than tucking it under as this fella is doing - his looks more like a curtsy.

I also threw in some oblique exercise ('star') on the TRX and some good, old fashion Bootstraps! 

So, I'm guessing there was maybe 20 mins of actual work there, but the good news is that it got me excited to start working out at home again. This is important as the summer months are here and I'm going to miss some lunch hour workouts due to being the 'mom's taxi' for kids getting to and from summer camps (which notoriously have horrible hours).

So, tomorrow there will be no Core Essentials in my future - lets see if I can throw in some home workout. I think I'll actually dust off some of the old workouts I've posted here.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Canada Day! It's also my son's 11th birthday. I can't believe how the time has flown, it seems like it wasn't that long ago he was a toddler. This only reinforces my belief that I MUST be aging! LOL! It's going to be a busy weekend - we started with a grade 3 graduation party (10 little girls screaming through the house for three hours!), birthday sleep over with the twins last night, friends BBQ tonight, hockey birthday party tomorrow, and family BBQ on Sunday! I might need a rest after the weekend, but I will definitely need the workouts come Monday : )

I'm just going to warn everyone, it's going to be a weekend of beer. I will TRY to stay away from the cake and chips, but I MUST have a beer on a sunny holiday weekend. This is life. I'm not going to feel guilty - beside I'm burning some calories as I work in the garden removing shrubs and planting grass, etc.

Back out to the sunshine! Happy Birthday Canada!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Emotional Eating

At least I'm owning it, but already today I've eaten one chocolate bar, thought hard about the bag of chips and ditched the noon hour workout.

Its been a difficult 2 weeks - the sewer back up, a death in the family, dealing with the insurance company, and then today we had to put our 18 year old cat down (he'd been hit by a car). The insurance company is only able to cover a VERY SMALL portion of the replacement costs of the carpet in the basement. We are hemorrhaging money at the moment, and the blood flow is down to a trickle.

Sooo, I'm going to allow myself to wallow - just for today. Hell, tonight's on too, I'm already thinking about my good friend the Captain Morgan : )

Tomorrow, I'll be too busy with kids parties, and preparation. It's also pay day, so tomorrow I vow to do some seriously healthy grocery shopping!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Seriously...I'm back!

Ok, Due to some events out of my control (like sewer back ups in my basement) I've been out of commission. And, lets face it stress makes me eat. Sooooo, eating has been HORRIBLE (lots of emotional eating) and working out has been non existent.

BUT, that was the last few weeks. Yesterday I started eating healthy...and today I found my old friend the TRX...

this is an older pic of my on the TRX

Tomorrow I'm going to try out another old friend - the Kettlebell.....

This is another old pic, I highly doubt I will be swinging more than a 25 Lb'er tomorrow!    

 So...lets see how I make it through the night. As this is a day of reuniting, I might even start using My Daily Plate again too.

If I'm a really good girl, I get out and take those doggies of mine for a nice long walk....we'll see : )

Later - and cross your fingers for me, the contractors have started rebuilding my basement today - I hope it doesn't send me off into a fit of potatoe chip eating! ; )

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I feel like I'm making up with a long lost friend. I know I've been gone a long while, but I'm back and promise not to leave you like that again....forgiven?

So first we should play catch-up? I've been gone since last August, and what have I done with myself you ask? We'll clearly not what I should be. Working out and staying fit/health was going great until just after Christmas where there was sickness compounded with bad weather - I'm sad to say I fell of the wagon. The early spring didn't really improve either. However, its funny what tight pants will do for ones motivation. Hell, tight pants was what got me into this in the first place wasn't it? Well, now the size 9's don't fit and the size 11's are getting uncomfortable...sssssooooooooo, it's time to get back at it!

Really, my largest problem isn't staying active. I'm actually pretty good at that, my real problem is what I'm putting in my body and HOW MUCH of it I'm putting in. Eating too much of healthy foods really isn't much better than eating too much of unhealthy food - when you boil it right down, it's all about caloric intake. You MUST burn off more than you take in, and lets be honest: lately that's not been happening for me.

So what now? Now I go back to using the Daily Plate to track input and output. Making an effort to get an extra workout in a week - and this might mean the home gym! Or, taking the whole family to the Canada Games Center to which we recently got a family membership. It might be a tad harder at first, but maybe if I can get everyone working together it might workout??

Lets end with a photo montage inspiration the first time: