Monday, May 31, 2010

Breathing easier

Another successful visit to Angie, my osteo/massage therapist today. I was having pains in my shoulder and mid back when I was breathing deeply - while it did hurt it was really a bother! Now, it's gone in one side and much less in the other side. I'm told it has to do with my lungs not moving around as they should (when I breath) and the fascia which surrounds it all. The end effect is that my back isn't hurting and I can breath deeply without hurting. One more visit and I'm hoping well have all this stuff worked out and me moving fluidly again.

I missed half of my kettlebell workout (I had to take son to the Doc's to have a sprained thumb confirmed!), so wonderful Laurissa (who now has a blog too) let me take 1/2 of the kettlebell class, and then stick around for the Power 1/2 Hour workout - have I mentioned how much I love this lady?? ; ) All in all I think it was a 45 minute workout. I can't remember the specifics, but I was sweaty and happy at the end of it!

I grabbed a quick shower, and dried off with my workout pants (I hate it when I forget to pack the essentials!) and off to see Angie.

The other fun thing I did today was put up an arbour (from Lee Valley....mmmm, Lee Valley, I seriously LOVE that store)! When we moved into our house 2 years ago I found an old honeysuckle vine near the side of the house - but it was in bad shape (infested with Aphids and the wood was too old) and didn't have anything to climb on. Since then I've been babying it and trying to revive's some pics of it!

The first bloom is healthy and the second one isn't...its still a work in progress. After that I just waked around the garden and took pics of the flowers - which I will leave you with!



Cranesbill bloom

the last of the Primrose blooms

first of  Daylilies

last of the lungwort (puminaria ssp.)

chives about to bloom

the last, spent tulip

& we have forget-me-nots everywhere.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Super Saturday!

Well, after yesterdays double workout I opted to have a 'workout free weekend'! Now, that doesn't mean I'm not working the old body, it just means I'm not having an 'official' workout. Instead I took the kids to the spring frolic - and had a blast.

We walked down, I spent more money that I should on tickets ... and released the kids! LOL! There was face painting, candy eating, prize winning, and game playing - here's a few pics:

After lunch we had play date, yard work (gardening is damn hard on my back!), laundry on the line, and a few quick errands. We had a great supper (chicken, broccoli, green beans) and then grabbed the dogs and an extra kid and hit the park. The dogs had a great run - and I Fur-bin-ated them! (this is something I hate to do at home as it makes such a big mess in the yard).

All is quiet now as I sit here with a rum and diet coke (rum from the Dominican). I must say I'm feeling like I worked out today. Is it possible that yard work is harder on me that a 60 minute workout with Craig? The difference is that Craig is harder on me at the time and I recuperate much faster.

I'm off to veg in front of the TV and snuggle my hubby.....


PS I forgot to mention that some of the 'die-hard Core' ladies and I are planning another special little something for Laurissa and Craig - stayed tuned for more details! : )

Double workout

I wrote this yesterday, but was so tired last night that it completely slipped my mind to post it!

We started the day at 7:15 with a 45 min kettlebell workout with Craig! About halfway in I was asking myself 'WHAT were you thinking???' - LOL! All in all it was an excellent workout, but unfortunately it's a blur. We did a 10 minute super set, a tabata of swings/box jumps, and 2 quads (one done early and the other late in the workout).

We grabbed a shower, got cleaned up and was at the office at 8:30. Really, this is a great way to start your day. As Craig says, you can look at just anyone in the building and KNOW that you have done more already in the day than most will be doing all day! :)

Here's what this afternoon's workout looked like (done twice):
  • 50 double handed kettlebell swings
  • 100 scissors
  • 100 low jacks
  • 30 leg lower, v-through, butt lifts
  • 25 Side crunches (each side)
  • 25 crunches (hanging from the bar)
  • 100 high knees
After lunch I gorged myself refueled with a portion of raisins & almonds, small yogurt, pita with real chicken and veggies and a LOAD of water! :) MMmmm, I'm feeling much better now!

I think I was as laid back I get today (due to that nice, tired feeling after the second workout!), but remarkably I wasn't sleepy tired, or too physically tired to keep moving. I actually had a pretty productive paper-movin' day at the office (I usually make Friday the day to removal all those half finished projects, notes, permits, etc from my desk).

Upon returning home, I dropped my bags and grabbed the dog leashes - off to the park for a walk/game of ball/rumble with whoever else might be there to play with!

Hubby made supper:

I figured I had the extra calories to burn, so I had me the last Stella (thank you Craig W.) and my pita pizza. Then a hot tub to loosen all the sore muscles, then snuggled with the daughter to watch 'The Princess Bride' (love that movie!).

All in all a pretty stellar day!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New 'do'

Made the sacrifice and opted for the hair cut over the workout - what 'da think?:

It's always fun to get my hair cut, Derek (my hairdresser and neighbour) likes to straighten it to get a 'good cut. Fror those of you who don't know I have curly hair, naturally curly hair - I think maybe its like my trademark. When my son was younger (and my hair was longer) one of his friends told me I had 'lion hair' which I've always thought was the best description. It looks and acts like a lion! LOL!

So, tomorrow MAY be a double workout day - I'm not sure yet. Shanan and I are taking a 45 min early riser Kettlebell class (7:15 - 8:00). This sounds like a great way to get another 45 min kettlebells in (with Craig), and now that Core has showers its easy to clean up and walk the block to work! Also, Friday's is casual dress day at work so jeans will be in order!

If we are feeling fine, then at noon we have the 30 min Power Half Hour with Laurissa. I'm planning on playing that by ear....I'll keep you posted!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I can see clearly now....

Ok, finally I get it. That mind over matter thing.

It's one thing to tell yourself you can do 'it' (whatever it might be, in my case its heavy kettlebells - like 36 or 40 lbs bells), its a completely different thing to BELIEVE that you can do 'it'. Today, I believed I could do it and I did - simple as that. I guess before I was telling myself I could do it without believing that I could.

I'm done being afraid of heavy weights, or put simply, weights that scared me. I think this stems from my back injury (car accident 7 years ago). It took me so long to start to be mobile and strong again that I don't ever want to go back there. I'm afraid of re-injuring my back. However, I'm not accounting for my increased fitness and strength - I haven't really believed in it, until now.

This all happened due to a lack of kettlebells at the Studio today. There are two kettlebell classes going on at the same time, and therefore there is always competition for the 'good' bells (the bells of the proper weight for the individual) get taken up fast (like all the size 9's in the shoe store!). So, today I was stuck with either a 20 lbs (too light) or a 30 lb - 30 lbs it is! And I did great! Actually, it was doubled moves today (moves with a kettlebell in each hand) so I was swinging 60lbs!!!! For the double handed swings (two hands on one bell) I used a 36lb and was looking for a 40 lb!! : }

I didn't fight it, and I didn't stress that I couldn't do it. I just looked at it and knew I could do it - and I did! Now, I didn't get as many reps in as the rest of the ladies who were using lighter weight - but I did great. I'm not sure how that lightbulb moment happened - maybe I just relaxed, stopped worrying and enjoyed the movements?

Anyway, I'm happy and feeling like I more challenge  - a challenge is "a test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking". This shall be my motto for the next while!

Nite ; )


Monday, May 24, 2010

Long weekend catch up

Lets try this with images and a few captions.

Friday night we had neighbours over for drinks after supper - the kids played (mostly in the dress up clothes)and the adults drank!

Saturday I went to kettlebells and hubby took the kids to the Bluenose Marathon - they did a 4.2 Km! I'm very proud!

Sunday was yard work - my son has become the lawn mower. I think this is great, it frees me up to do REAL gardening!

I also took the girls for a nice long trip to our park.

Monday was relaxin' - and some more yard work

This bed under the window was pathetic before. Now there are some nice grasses and its nicely mulched!

Daughter and I also planted the containers - she chose many of the plant (I wouldn't usually choose snapdragons, but hey, she liked them!) and we got dirty together. : )

There were other things like a family BBQ on Sat night (Aunt Ruth from Thunderbay, Uncle John from Dartmouth, and sissy Alexa from Ottawa were all here!), and a trip to the Dingle today with the Wallace family. Sadly, I don't have pics of everything.

So, I only worked out Sat, but the whole long weekend was extreemly active - and boy, it had better be to burn off some of the calories I in took in the form of alcohol!

That's allllll folks!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pain Management

Its Saturday, and as Monday is a holiday (aka no workout) I thought it appropriate to take in one of Craig's one hour Kettlebell classes - aka Pain Management Sessions (this is what hubby calls his time with Craig!)

Here's what the workout looked like/what I can remember of it:
  • tabata - double handed swings/jumping on the plyo box
  • snatches - 20 per side
  • PAIN
  • double handed swings/around the body with a rest (stilling the bell when it gets to your chest, then change direction)
  • PAIN - a Quad (10 burpees, 10 mountain climbers, 10 bootstraps, 10 burpees)
  • 20 jumps on the plyo box
  • superset - of pain...I can't remember what we did, but it was a full 10 mins without rest....
  • tabata - double handed swings/snatches
  • more snatches (we did 100 in total for the workout)
  • and finishing with 100 Bootstraps - in a race.
The first man and woman to finish win a free class! Sadly I didn't win. There was alot of pain, I don't remember that kind of pain during an exercise ... ever! I did, however, finish the 100 burpees. I really didn't think I would.....first 30, feeling the burn. Fighting to 50. Ok from 50 to 60. Don't remember 60 - 80. At 80 Craig is at my shoulder yelling encouraging me to finish "knees, heels...KNEES, HEELS!!!". Funny, that much muscle fatigue and I'm feeling ok now, and hour later - guess he really knows what he's talking about! ; P

I'm tired now, but its a beautiful day out there - I'm gonna clean the house, putter in the garden, walk the dogs, and we have neighbours coming over for drinks after supper tonight (which should be a BBQ)! Nice!


PS Hubby took the kids to the Bluenose Marathon today while I was at class - I wish I'd been there to see it, but he took pics and I heard all about it.....encouraging healthy, active lifestyle for everyone! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Work up, work down....

What a beautiful day in Halifax! :) And the whole long weekend is looking similarly awesome!! Happy long weekend everyone!

Today's workout was a list of exercise that you worked your way though, then worked back through them from the one you just did working backward to the one you started with...clear as mud ; ) ?

  • Deadlift (30lbs) - single leg x 15 reps
  • Plyo jumps - single leg x 30 reps
  • Deadlift (30lbs) - single leg x 15 reps
  • Plyo jumps - single leg x 30 reps
  • Walkouts - single leg x 15 reps
  • Plank - scissoring legs out, then in (30 reps)
  • Toe touches with a butt lift (30 reps)
  • Scissors legs (30)
This was a wonderful leg workout, and thank god there was little to no arm/shoulders involved - I'm still hurting from that Damn Cindi! LOL! Great way to start the weekend, and as Monday is a holiday Shanan and I will be partaking in a Kettlebell session with Craig tomorrow am - eeeekkkk!!! Hubby will take the kids to the Bluenose fun run, and I will try to get there afterwards to cheer them on at the finish line!

So, a little while back Shanan and I had done some guerrilla gardening at Core Essentials, but I forgot to post the photos. I have nothing pretty for you to look at today, so here they are! A little late, but as promised here are the before and after pic:

So here I am after supper, the kitchen is clean, the kids are playing SOMEWHERE in the neighbourhood and hubby isn't home until 7:00....what ever will I find to keep myself busy? Perhaps a nice, cool long weekend beer on the sunny deck??


A Day Late - Hope for Wildlife Society

Sorry folks, I was toooooo tired last night to muster up the energy to post anything! 

We, a group of HRM staff, spent a special day at the Hope for Wildlife Society sanctuary in Chezzetcook. The Hope for Wildlife mandate is to connect people to wildlife in a positive way - through knowledge and understanding - the Hope for Wildlife Society believes that education through rehabilitation is the key to a sustainable future.

They have a wonderful site where they house every type of wildlife Nova Scotia has to offer - I got to get up close and personal with 2 Bald Eagles, a Grey Squirrel, several racoons, a Raven and a Crow, a Corn Snake, an Owl (the type I can't remember), a peacock and peahen, and much, much more!!

The payment for this awesome experience was manual labour! They needed some bodies to do some landscaping around the site. So we weeded, mulched, resurrected a beautiful two-tiered pond and then landscaped around it with plants and beach rock. We also replanted some trees, and hauled some brush.

It was wonderful, we all worked really hard (I came home COVERED in mud :) and had a great time. I was still sore from working out on Wednesday, and added this full day of fresh air and exercise made me too tired to talk last night! Sometimes its great to be that tired, I snuggled and hung out with the kids and I was too tired to take offence to anything they might have done! LOL!

Sorry I didn't take any pictures, but I might be able to post some later from others!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Double Workout Wednesday

So I was all geared up for Kettlebells today, however I was LATE! I can't believe it! I always change early, leave with a few minutes to spare, and am NOT late. Today, I was working away and all of the sudden I looked at the clock and it dawned on me that I was meant to be workingout....RIGHT NOW!!

So, I jetted up the hill (in my dress clothes and heels!) and got myself there fast! I ended up missing the early part of the workout - but that's my fault! DOH! I also ended up wearing my pants backward - I didn't even notice until halfway through! LOL!

Here's what the workout looked like:
  • 12 cleans/side
  • 12 cleans + press/side
  • Tobata - single handed swings and high pulls (left side)
  • Tobata - single handed swings and high pulls (right side)
I felt warmed up, but not, asked Laurissa if I could skip for 10 minutes before I left. She's awesome, 'of course!' is always her answer! What happened what that she invited me to stay and participate in the next class - Power Half hour with my girls (Shanan, Jen, and Jen)!

Laurissa has been doing Cross Fit workouts and as I suspected she has brought some of it to us! Today we met 'Cindi'. In Cross Fit they name each of their workouts after tough ladies. Cindi is as many rounds as you can do in 20 mins - no rests.
  • 5 chin ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 squats
The idea is to do as many reps of the three exercises as you can in the 20 minutes. Laurissa was keeping track for us, and she had us down at 15 - HOWEVER,  I think she missed atleast one of my rounds....I'm terribly competitive and I KNOW I was moving faster than the other ladies!! :) After the workout I was having problems lifting my water to my mouth without shaking it all over me! LOL! Now, my upperbody is just tired! Great workout though!!

Here's what I'm looking like after the double workout:

and here's my lunch afterwards - thanks to Shanan sharing her Buffalo chicken chili

Anyway, today was AWESOME! It went fast, wicked workout, good eating habits!! Now i'm home and rushing off to soccer for  my son, and then some housework!!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a busy day!

It started with a trip to Angie, my massage/osteopath - we determined that the likely route to my troubles (left SI joint/hamstring, right shoulder/neck) is my C-section scars. This is not what I would have guessed is the problem, but after she explained about how the uterus protrudes through the pelvic floor, and the surgery interupted not only all my ab muscles but also the uterus which is connected to, simply - if the uterus is twisted or turned then everything else must compensate to allow for movement. Eventually everything overcompensates and gets SORE! This is where I am.

So, she worked on breaking down the scar (which HURTS) and then manipulated the hell out of my neck and shoulder muscles to work some of the stiffness out. It all ached off and on today, but now tonight its definately feeling better. I should have much improved mobility in my low back and hips. I return next Friday to hopefully complete this work.

Then, on to work where it was one of those day where I put my head down and the next time I lifted it 3 hours had passed! The good news was that I packed some really good eats today - including a protein power spiked smoothy for after the workout:

Workout today was good - Booty bootcamp on the waterfront:

and here I am looking ape-like jumping - is it just me, or do I have freakishy long arms in this picture?:

Have I ever mentioned how un-photogenic I am?? LOL! However funny that it, it's sadly also very true - ask anyone I know. There are almost no decent pictures of me. My eyes are closed, my face is red, my 'road map of wrinkles' is all you can see, etc. Its ok, I've learned to accept it! I'm 40! :)

After noon workout it was back to work where the afternoon flew by. Then run home, grabs the kids, walk the dogs around the block, and get dressed for a night meeting at Council. I was late, but it was ok as I knew I was last on the agenda. I wasn't required to answer any questions, I was there 'just in case'. Oh well, I earned me some good Over Time! Yeah!!

Now, I missed supper but I did eat a handful of almonds and a Cliff bar while I was at City Hall. When I got home I ate bed-time-snack with the kids - I had a bowl of Cherio's with fresh berries..mmmmm, comfort food all the way! :) I'm full, so I'm going to grab my book and hit the hay before the MUNCHIES attack!!

Nitey nite!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A quickie

Today didn't turn out to be the day I had planned. It started with an early morning dentist trip (check up for my daughter and I both) that didn't see me dropping off daughter at school until just after 11:00! They were running late, and the hygenist was very slow meticulous. Anyway, rather than heading to work for a few hours I went straight to the Studio!

I was pretty excited - kettlebells on Mon and Wed only - so I was looking to make the most of it. However, sadly my neck/base of head and back weren't in total agreement. I started strong with turkish get ups (20 lbs), into double handed swings with a 30 lb bell. Then into cleans, and then cleans with push presses - here I moved to a 36lb bell, and I have to say I was feeling pretty good. Back into single handed swings, alternating singles, and singles again. After this I was back to the 30 lb bell -I try to convince myself that I was being smart and listening to my body rather than bailing out! By the end of the class I was moving a 25lb bell, which felt too light but my mid back and neck/base of head were really talking to me.

The good news is I see Angie at Beech Street Health tomorrow at 9am!! I'm a wreck, and like I said yesterday I'm too much of a Border Collie to really slow down. I'm expecting Angie to want to see me again soon, and perhaps even tell me to give the workouts a rest for a week or so. I can't imagine not working out for a whole week.....we'll see what she says. The great thing about Angie is she's both a massage therapist and an osteopath (well, almost I think she has one more year of study left).

So, a decent workout (I could have done better/worked harder but  the body isn't complying with the messages from the brain). Ate very well, but didn't drink enough water. Oh, and talking about foods, check this out: Jamie, over at Embracing Balance has a superlicious giveaway for Vitallicious snackies! Mmmm, low fat and looking sooooo yummmmy!! You really can't go wrong with Mint Chocolate chip!!! I'm gonna have to find me some of these local - maybe Petes?

Anyay,. that's your quickie.....and no pics :(

I'll work harder tomorrow.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week-end Recap

Hubby worked this weekend, so I wasn't able to get a real workout in - instead I was able to steal away 30 minutes at a time and 'workout' around the yard! I'll show you some of my weekend activities.

Flower pot (metal bin really) that needed a face lift, started like this:

and turned into this (flowers to come payweek next week):

Also, I made the veggie garden look like this (I removed the huge weeds, mixed in compost, fertilizer and lime, and shaped the beds - also planted lettuce, carrots, spinach and beets):

here's another pic of my helper Abby : )

Also weeded and mulched the strawberries and cared for the transplants in the greenhouse:

And finally I worked back around to the front of the house to work on edging and mulching the shrubs:

and weeded my front perennial bed (everything looks small cause the bed is only in its second full year):

Phew, just writing this makes my back sore! And, on top of that I did upteen loads of laundry, vacummed, took dogs to parks, kids to parks, playdates, gymnastics, and fed everyone! I think I deserve a drink - mmmmm, how about a nice Rickards Red?? :)

So, while I didn't workout, I was very active. My back is sore, but no more or less sore than it was this week. I still got 5 workouts in for the week, and I'm set for another 5 this week. I also have MASSAGE on Tuesday am - I'm not sure where to have to work to make the most of the one hour. I suspect she will tell me she wants to see me again next week to continue - left ham/glute, SI joint, right shoulder/neck, complete stiff back.....aaaghhh, Tuesday am can't come soon enought.

They say people are like the dog breed they chose. I have Border Collies therefore this makes me a Border Collie and I suppose that's right. Echo once ran for her ball so long she puked, looked at it, picked up her ball was ready to run some more! I suppose I'm like this, I can't sit down unless I'm completely wrecked. Nothing halfway! 

Ok, that beer is calling my name. I promise to blog more regularily.....promise!

Nite: ) 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tight Hamstrings

Thankfully today was Booty Bootcamp, and not kettlebells. About a week ago both of my hamstrings were extreemly tight. The next day the tightness all moved into the left leg and set up camp. Its been that way ever since. I'm just waiting until I can get in to see my massage therapist on Tuesday. So, for now I'll play it safe and take it easy.

I don't think I've mentioned before, but the Bootcamp is outside! Its really nice to not only get out at lunch for some fresh air but also to get your work out in! Alderney Landing is a small park in Dartmouth beside my office building, and this is where we do Booty Bootcamp:

There are some good stairs and a ramp, and there at the bottom is a small wall - everything you need for a good booty workout!

While we are on the stairs or ramp we have an awesome view of the Halifax Harbour!

And lots of greenery and flowering things everywhere!

So, workout was good but I'm not giving it 100% due to the hamstring. I think I'll have to pass on the Saturday am Crazy Craig Kettlebell Class too (unfortunately). Eating habits were good today, but its now the witching hour (8pm and onward) where I want to eat everthing I can see or think about - hungry or not. Its a complete mind game, one in which I loose more than I should :)


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

40 lb kettlebell!

I missed yesterday - my son had a meltdown of epic proportions which required tag-team parenting. Also, a girlfriend found out she didn't get a job she had applied for and was HOPING to get (as a way to leave a not so good work team, not that she was super keen on the job) - and this required:

Cold Stone ice cream!

It was so rich, I almost didn't finish it - but fear not, the competitor that I am, I worked through it and FINISHED it! : ) Thank god I worked out - it was an excellent Booty Bootcamp workout, but it was just Shanan and I - we had Laurissa all to ourselves...mmmmmm, feeling the love ;P

Today was my second Kettlebell Express noonhour workout, and it was even better than Monday, and here's why:

I was swingin a 40 lb kettlebell today!! Not for the whole class, but during one exercise. And for the rest I swung a 30 lb with no problems! I must say, I never thought I could do it...but I did!! And Laurissa is so sneaky...

Here's what I can remember of it....

  • Figure 8's - swinging bell between legs, changing hands at the back.
  • Figure 8's (with an arm raise)
  • Bulldogs - lying on the ground, legs out with feet flexed up, kettlebell overhead with straight arm - now lift yourself up with glutes and hamstrings. I found this one hard to do, but I'm sure with practice will come.
  • Single arm kettlebell swing

  • Kettlebell snatch

  • Windmills (I did double - so when you are lowered to the ground the hand that is touching your foot picks up a second kettlebell and raises it up when you come up)

And the Kettlebell ladder - this is when the 40 lb bell came into play. A kettlebell ladder is where you choose an exercise and simply “go up the ladder.” For us it was a set of 10 burpees to start and end the ladder. The ladder itself was double handed swings working up the ladder using a 30 lb bell, a 35 lb bell, and a 40 lb bell. Working up was: 20 reps with the 30 lb, 15 reps with the 35 lb, and 10 reps with the 40 lbs. Working down the ladder was: (single handed swings) 10/side with the 40 lb, 15/side with the 35 lb, and 20/side with the 30 lb. Ending with burpees!

I was  toast after was excellent! The reason I say Laurissa is sneaky is this: she asked what the heaviest weight I swing was - and walked away. She laid out the bells for each of us for the ladder exercise, but didn't say much about it. I didn't realize the weights of the bells until I was into it - and suprising (to me) is that it was ok. Don't get me wrong I was huffing and puffing all the way, but I did it and didn't bail!!

I know I will have some great benefits from kettlebell training, and some great bruises! I have them on my wrist, and today on my hips from the figure 8's. It's all good though! Tomorrow is Booty, so maybe I'll have a small rest? :) I'll leave you with a picture of my 40 lb bell!

Nite - I'm off to heat my hammies!