After that I went to pick up my car from the dealership and return the rental (a long story, but the dealership made a mistake with the parts and then let me leave with a car that was unsafe to drive - needless to say they paid for the rental!) They (Hillcrest Kia) were very good about it, and I was thrilled to have my car (Rondo) back. I had time to kill before picking up hubby and kids, so I went to the Goodlife to try it out (I won a one week free membership last Sunday).
Its a small, quiet place (even quieter in the late afternoon as most folks are still at work). I did 2 miles on the treadmill, then into some core exercises and 2 tobata's. You could tell from the looks I was getting from everyone (including the trainers) that I was doing some moves they were unfamiliar with! Anyway, I did a great hour workout and had to really push myself to finish the last few sets!
Today's workout was allllll Tobata, alllll the time! Great matabolism kick start, and the workout seems to fly by! It was an added bonus to be workout OUTSIDE! I love this time of the year when we move outside. The downside is someone is staring at you, but to be outside in teh sun and fresh air is truely wonderful!
Here's what today looked like:
- Low squat - 30 seconds down and up using a wall to 'touch' your butt to making sure you are low enough; 15 seconds of active rest of just holding the squat. *8 rounds is the full tobata*
- Calves - 15 slow up and downs, 10 fast! 1 rep legs parallel, 1 rep feet in, 1 rep feet pointing out, 1 rep legs parallel again.
- Single leg squat - all weight on one foot with arms overhead, lower arms and bend knee until fingers touch, raising back up by squeezing glutes *8 rounds is the full tobata*
- Mountain climbers - 30 seconds mountain climbers resting arms on that low wall, 15 seconds of active rest by holding one legs straight out behind pulsing leg by squeezing glutes * 8sets is the full tobata*
- Wall squats - 30 seconds of single leg wall squat (raising and lowering the other leg), 15 seconds of active rest by just holding the wall squat *8 rounds is the full tobata*
Nitey nite
PS sorry not photos... : (
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