Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I can see clearly now....

Ok, finally I get it. That mind over matter thing.

It's one thing to tell yourself you can do 'it' (whatever it might be, in my case its heavy kettlebells - like 36 or 40 lbs bells), its a completely different thing to BELIEVE that you can do 'it'. Today, I believed I could do it and I did - simple as that. I guess before I was telling myself I could do it without believing that I could.

I'm done being afraid of heavy weights, or put simply, weights that scared me. I think this stems from my back injury (car accident 7 years ago). It took me so long to start to be mobile and strong again that I don't ever want to go back there. I'm afraid of re-injuring my back. However, I'm not accounting for my increased fitness and strength - I haven't really believed in it, until now.

This all happened due to a lack of kettlebells at the Studio today. There are two kettlebell classes going on at the same time, and therefore there is always competition for the 'good' bells (the bells of the proper weight for the individual) get taken up fast (like all the size 9's in the shoe store!). So, today I was stuck with either a 20 lbs (too light) or a 30 lb - 30 lbs it is! And I did great! Actually, it was doubled moves today (moves with a kettlebell in each hand) so I was swinging 60lbs!!!! For the double handed swings (two hands on one bell) I used a 36lb and was looking for a 40 lb!! : }

I didn't fight it, and I didn't stress that I couldn't do it. I just looked at it and knew I could do it - and I did! Now, I didn't get as many reps in as the rest of the ladies who were using lighter weight - but I did great. I'm not sure how that lightbulb moment happened - maybe I just relaxed, stopped worrying and enjoyed the movements?

Anyway, I'm happy and feeling like I more challenge  - a challenge is "a test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking". This shall be my motto for the next while!

Nite ; )


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