We were walking Point Pleasant Park inspecting the various battery's and fortifications with a wonderful gent from Parks Canada and a fellow HRM staff who works in the Parks division. As I'm a Heritage Planner I get to join in on excursion like this sometimes! Did I mention it was sunny, with a light breeze and about 24 degrees out? :)
The actual work looked more like this:
The above is in Cambridge Battery. The structure is in bad shape and the question was repair or entomb for future repairs?
Another at Cambridge Battery, but this is in better shape and will remain un-altered so the public can still have access.
In the above photo (also Cambridge Battery) you can clearly see the foundation of an old building, part of the fortifications in Point Pleasant Park.
This is North West Arm Battery - only recently de-vegetated and what a change it makes to the landscape! You can see the landforms (previously covered in trees and scrub so it just looked like a mound) and most would know it was a battery - it will be more clear once some of the granite forms are unearthed.
And an interesting find (by some archeologist) is the following:
If you look closely you will see the name John Wallace and the date May 14, 1862 etched into the stone. How COOL is that! There are several more on this large outcrop of stone basically in the middle of nowhere in the park.
While there was no official workout today, I walked the park for close to 2 &1/2 hours! Then came home and walked the dogs, mowed the backyard, and relocated plants in my gardens! I feel good!! This beautiful weather really does wonders for the moral!
That's it for today. Tomorrow Shanan and I are participating in our Corporate Health and Wellness event by helping Core Essentials do a Kettlebell display! Eeekkkk!! Swinging the bells in public, I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I will try to get a picture if a photo op presents itself!
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