Sorry, no post last night - it was 10:30 by the time we got home from the Meltdown and we were tired! We had a quick snack and off to bed. I just have to say how EXCELLENT the Meltdown was!
Here's how it worked, teams of 5 (Shanan, me, hubby, Jane and Jennifer) started on the RealRyder.
Laurissa led us through an intense 15 min ride. This was also the first ride I've done with Laurissa and as short as it was I have to say that I think she would be a tough instructor - she had us doing left/rights for 2 beats each WHILE out of the saddle! I'll have to remember to try her for a 60 minute ride in the future. : )
After the RealRyders we were off to Kettlebells.
This ws sprinkled with cardio moves like burpees, bootstraps, and mountain climbers. We worked though the basic two handed swing, one handed swing switching up top, rack position and cleans. Craig did this portion, he is the kettlebell man, and he lives up to his reputation - he is an intense instructor. He gets in your face, but not in an agressive way, more of a 'I'm watching and I KNOW you can do it - so DO IT' kind of a way. :)
Next, and final station, was the Water Rowers.
We did a 2000m ride, my time was 7:38. A good time for a woman, but I know I could have done better. It was a hard ride, I was cursing those last 500m. I really enjoy the rower though - reminds me of my youth. Hubby had the second best time at 6:20-ish. Shanan had a WICKED ride (I nattered in her ear the whole time trying to
push support her through it)! Good fun! This makes me want to better my time ... not that I'm competitive or anything!
This just in! Here's a link to a
short video that shows my team on the water rowers (Hubby is on far left and I am in the pinky shirt on the far right).
After we finished workout out there was nubblies (fruit, hummus, crackers, BEER and wine!) Yummmm. The hummus was sooooo good, and I washed it down with a nice, cold beer! All in all it was an excellent evernt and a SUPER way to welcome Craig into the Core Essentials fold. It was also nice to meet some of Craigs clients and learn about the successes he's been able to help them achieve.
And, lets remember that we did our regular noon hour workout - although Laurissa did take it easy on us knowing we had the evening event too. I can't even remember what we did, but I was sweaty so it must have been good! LOL!
Also, I did buy a new camera! Yeah!! It's the Fuji Finepix J20, and looks like this (IN HOT PINK!)
Now, I know I was going to take all sorts of great photos but the Lithium battery seemed to have juice in it, but died early in the, now pics just yet. However, there was a great pic of hubby coming off the water rower last night that I should be able to pilfer get a copy of and use here soon.
Today, after yesterdays double workout, will be a day of rest. Its 8:00 and I'm going to finish my coffee and take the girls to the dog park so Abby will have someone to play with. Echo doesn't care about such things as long as I bring a ball for her. Its sunny, but -10 out there....bbbbrrrrriiiiiiiiihhhhhhh!