Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday & feelin' like spring!

As I had a Halifax meeting at 10 am, and as my office is on the other side of the water I chose to work from my home computer via emails and walk the dogs early this am! We had a good (but short) walk and played for a short while in the little park up the street. Great way to start your day - brisk walk (some training with the beast on how to NOT pull on the leash the entire way - this means the walk takes twice as long as we keep stopping and back tracking).

Noon hour was excellent as always. I have to say lately I have had less than my normal motivation to get moving. I always make my noon hour workout (unless work that I can't rearrange or a sick kid keeps me from it), I never bail without a solid reason. Maybe part of the reason is that I paid upfront for my 6 weeks and I'm a tight wad? LOL! Anyway, I'm always ok once I get there, and usually give between 80% and 90% - today was about 90% once I got moving. We did another timed trial, my time was 15:30. We did the following five exercises x 4 rounds:
  • Pike press (10)
  • Wide legged mountain climbers (40 with each foot being one)

  • Tricep push-ups/leg lift (10) *THESE ARE THE HARDEST - I always land on my face!*

  • Supermans (front super, roll over to a back super and a toe touch, roll back to front superman - 20 with each roll being one)

  • Leg lifts (on back, raise and lower both legs to the ground without touching and back up) (10)

I started with about 2 mins of skipping, and as I was done first I opted to skip until everyone else was done (probably another 4 mins). The skipping was my way of punishing myself for the CHIPS that I inhaled ate at shanan's on Saturday. Plus, I didn't workout at all this weekend (aside from lifting toilets!)

I'll have to look and see if I wrote down what my original time was - I know that Laurissa has it written down somewhere....

Alright...quiet time now. I think a cup of coca and my book is in order.


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