Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Feeling skinny today

When you have one of those rare days when you think you look good, you feel good, the sun is shining and your ass looks good in its jeans - you should embrace that day! Walk with some extra wiggle! Smile at a cute young man half your age and make him smile back! Why? Cause your one hot b!#ch and you know it! LOL! ; )

So, aside from feeling like 'all that and a bag of chips', I also had a great workout today - and as we were paired Laurissa ended up workin' along with us! : )

  • Med ball throw standing - upon catching drop into a backward lunge (10)
  • Med ball throw sitting - upon catching drop back flat and back up into a sit up (20)
  • Med ball throw standing - throw ball into the air, catch and lower into a squat (20)
  • Kettlebell - double handed swings (20)
  • Kettlebell wood choppers (20/side)
  • Kettlebell sit ups with an overhead bell raise (20)
  • Russian twists with a kettlebell (20)
I was feeling somewhat fresh afterwards so I did a 5 minute skip. It must be all the sunshine and good weather, but I have more energy lately (and remember I'm on hot, b!tch)

I realized that I have the bikini but the tummy still isn't quite bikini worthy. So, I'm going to step up the workout routine. I'm going to try to workout 5 noon hours a week. Lets see what that does!!

Perhaps I'm also feeling good due to an excellent intake (food) day. I was less hungry today, and what I did eat stayed with me longer. I had 250 ml of chocolate milk mid morning with a granola bar and it stuck with me until after workout! Yeah!! Finally!! Lunch was stirfry, midafternoon snack an apple, supper was pork with mixed veggies (raw with balsamic vinegar and feta cheese), peas and coucous. MMMmmmmmm!

Ok, gotta jet - suppers on the table and I'm one hungry puppy!! I'm hoping tomorrow is as good a day as today - the weather is supposed to hold for the whole week!!

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