Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday - day of rest?

I spent the night hacking and coughing (poor hubby having to put up with it) - you know that dry cough that only stops when you puke? I know TMI, Ha! :)

So, today started as another daty of rest (imposed due to illness). I was feeling badly (guilty) about it, but my goal for today became eating better - yesterday was horrible! I ate everything in sight, kids came home parties with birthday cake....aaaahhhh! I did eat much better today, and again it's so much easier when you're busy!

Tonight we came home late from the rink and threw some frozen pizza's in the oven ...however, when we read the ingredients we were horrified to see how much sodium, fat and calories are in a 1/4 of a piece. So, the we made pita pizza's for us with a garden salad - so quick and easy. I felt satisfied and happy for the better food choice! The kids did eat the bad pizza's but we warned them that next time we were all going to make our own pizza's! I didn't do a calorie count on it, but the pita's are only 80 per, and the pepperonie is the low cal stuff, some veggies and a small serving of cheese - maybe 400 in the whole plate? Here's a pic of the healthy pizza (with garden salad):

I did weigh in today for the x-weighted challenge - down another 1 lb (now at 168 lbs). Better than up, and better than no loss at all. We measure-in with Laurissa in two weeks and that will really be the truer test of change for me. I'm looking forward to it really.

Also we did end up doing a small home workout, about 30 minutes. Hubby didn't get to the gym and was feeling restless. He convinced me to join him in the basement for a low key workout. I warmed up with  2 mins of skipping, and then tried a triplet-triplet approach:
  1. Triplet (legs): bootstraps (10), burpees (10) and stairclimbers (10 per leg)
  2. Triplet (arms): lat pulldowns (15), bicept curl (10 per arm), flys (10)
  3. Triplet (core): heels-to-heaven (20), sit up with heels touching (20), slow bicycle (20)
This was a good workout, I did the above three times. I am still low on energy so I worked slow and steady. I will do it again when I get my 'vim and vigor' back. Still, better than nothing. Also, son and I took the girls out for a 30 min walk at a good pace. So, I'm pleased with my nutrition, my exercise and the loss of 1 lb. Good day!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Officially sick

Today I'm officially sick. Feel like crap, sore throat, runny nose, tickly cough. I did have a fair amount of energy though (which is nice). So I took advantage of that and did some housework, however I opted to take today as a 'day-of-rest' so no workout.

I'll see how I feel tomorrow am, but I'd really like to do a RealRyder class - I'll make that call in the morning.
Oh, and I at all sorts of crap today that I shouldn't have - bad, bad eating day. And, tomorrow is the weigh in for the X-weighted challenge - my guess is that I haven't lost any, but that I also haven't gained any either.

Off to bed for me (hoping that an early night will be the magic cure)!


Friday, January 29, 2010

460 reps

I must say I'm feeling like quite the little trouper (if I do say so myself). The old me would have given up on working out the first sign of illness - more as a justification for not having to do it. The new me thinks I should still do it, and instead of working hard and fast through it, work more slowly and focus on form. I'm not sure when this mental transition too place, but its pretty neat!

Today was fairly uneventful - busy at work hard pressed on a deadline, made it to my studio, Core Essentials, for my noon hour workout. Back to it at work, ended up staying late, rush to get kids, feed them and get to the pool for swimming lessons! Phew!

The good thing about rushing around and working under the gun is that there is little time to snack! The trick for me is making sure I eat my small meals every 3-4 hours. I make sure I have 100 calorie snacks and fruit in my bag all the time! Making the time to feed my belly is actually assisting in getting RID of my belly :)

Here's today's workout - its call 500 reps (I actually did 460 reps, but close enough)
  1. Push up: wide legged regular push ups (30)
  2. Prison Squats (50)
  3. Push ups: tricep push ups (30)
  4. Turkish get-ups (this is a kettlebell move - we did it without weights) (50)
  5. Swing thoughs (lunge forward, swing leg into a rear lunge) (50 - back and forth is 1)
  6. Sit ups (with soles of feet together) (50)
  7. Two jumps forward/ two jumps backward (50 - forward and back is 1)
  8. Side crunches (50)
  9. Plank with knee tuck (stay in plank bring knee into elbow and hold) (50)
  10. Reverse plank with legs kick (keeping hips raised, bend knee and raise other knee bent to your chest and back) (50)
Laurissa was bored (HA!) so she workout out with us. The funny thing is that when your trainer works out along side she sets the pace (and I was damn well going to keep up!). So I'm tired and I have a knitting project for my daughters best friend who's birthday is tomorrow. Off to the sofa I go!

Nite nite

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm NOT getting sick...I'm NOT getting SICK!!!

I've been fighting something for days now. I felt horrible this morning, but as the day went on I felt somewhat better. Due to pressures at work there was NO way I stay home and rest up - same goes for tomorrow, even if I feel worse.

After supper I was feeling pretty good and I found myself with a quiet hour - so I decieded to push myself through a home workout. As I'm low on energy I told myself that all I needed was to pick a good group of exercise and run though it twice. I stayed more focused on form that keeping my heartrate up and running though it fast.

Here the site where I found todays workout - Jen Sinkler's blog. Jen works for Experience Life Magazine, and this particular blog dealt with Eliza Au (karate world champion) and a workout routine Elisa shared with Jen. It looked interesting, many of the exercises were similar to those we do but with just enough new exercises to make it fun.

So here it is (I modified it slightly):
  1. Charlie's Angels Lunges - Lunge forward with your left leg, feet parallel, arms straight out and parallel to the ground in front of you (in a gun-shooting position). Twist your upper torso to the left so that your arms rotate 90 degrees, then back to starting position. Step up and repeat on right side (10 per side).
  2. Burpees (10)
  3. Arm Shuffles - Squat down and place hands on the floor, shoulder width apart. Kick your feet back into a push-up starting position. Bring feet back under you and immediately jump up in a star position (arms and legs all extended) - (15)
  4. Supermans - Lay on your stomach. Lift your legs and arms off the ground and hold position for 10 seconds to a minute (20). Lift alternate arm and leg, hold for 5 seconds (10 per side).
  5. V-ups - Lie on your back. Lift your legs and arms/shoulders off the ground to create a V-shape with your body. Lower your arms and legs without letting them touch the ground (15).
  6. Planks - Full plank for one minute. Alternate arm and leg up in a plank position (30 seconds per side).
  7. Figure 8's - Laying on your back, legs together and at a 45 degree angle from the group rotate legs in a figure 8 in the air - slowly! (20)
  8. Heels to Heaven -  Same position as Figure 8's, use ab's to lift feet (your bum will also come off the ground a small amount) straight in the air and lower back down (20).
I did this twice in about 30 minutes. I was really pushing myself to get it done, and not enjoying myself but that's cause I'm not feeling well. I think I'll do try this one again when I'm feeling better for a good gauge of how effective it really is.

Now I'm tired, my nose is running, my throat is sore and I can hear my bed calling me from down the hall. This is how I feel:
Please let me feel better tomorrow, I can't miss work and more importantly I don't want to be sick over the weekend!!

Nitey from the sickie

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Terriffic TRX!

I'm fighting off a cold or something so I was thinking my noon hour workout would be less than motivated. Not so, even with the killer TRX training we did today.

For those who aren't familiar with the TRX, its a suspension training system that uses your own body weight and gravity to give an amazing workout. The really great thing about this system is that its inexpensive ($135 Can), light weight and easily store (can be taken anywhere). Here is a video - the third exercise shown here is what Laurissa calls the 'piston' (we did these today!). What's better than how small and easy to use is that with the TRX you can literally work every muscle group with this one piece of equipment - OMG, I sound like an info-mercial!!

We skipped for about 5 minutes to warm up, and then right into our routine. We were running late today, so Laurissa had us moving though at a pertty good pace. Here's out routine today:
  1. Shoulder work *can't remember name* (TRX) (15)
  2. Push-ups (12)
  3. Pistions (TRX) (15)
  4. Plank with knee lift (into chest) (10 per leg)
  5. Pistons (TRX (15)
  6. Reverse plank with leg lift (sort of like a bridge with a leg lift) (15)
  7. Pistons (TRX) (15)
  8. Walk outs (standing, hands on ground, walk hands out into plank -hold - walk hands back to upright) (10)
  9. Pistons (TRS) (15)
The good thing about being in meetings all day is that there is less chance to cheat and eat things I shouldn't. The bad thing is that its hard to step out and grab a quick snack to make sure you're keeping up with the eating ever 3 hours rule - however I did do just that! I have learned to make the time for me and not appologize for it!

When I actually got home early I took advantage - I grabbed the girls and we were off for a brisk 30 minute walk on this spring-like day! Once home I had 2 whole wheat pita sandwiches, yogurt (low fat), glass of milk and a handful of almonds. Mmmm, simple but good (I did mention that I HATE to cook? ;)

Now almost 8 o'clock and I have the munchies ... I'm going to have to get creative and find a reasonable treat - the cubbards are bare as its payday tomorrow! Oh well, I guess there is less for me to worry about tonight! LOL!

Nitey nite all

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Other Blogs

I spent part of Sunday surfing the net and came across some good (and funny!) like minded fitness blogs that I thought I'd share here and add to the list of sites on my sidebar. The other thing I've noticed is that they all rely heavily on photos and images - I'm learning from this and will try harder to include more images to make it more interesting (I'm not sure how many of you really wanna see me all sweaty, but hell, I'll try it out!)

The Fitnessista was good, but I literatlly laughed out loud where she describes how she feels when she runs a 5 km on the treadmill! LOL! Check it out. : ) And another one I'm watching these days is The Healthy Tipping Point her blog is much more balanced, and I like that she seems to really mix up the exercise she is doing (not just running the treadmill).

My disclaimer in all of this is that almost all of these bloggers are somewhat obsessed with the food component of their routines. Many have more information and pictures of their food that of the workouts they do - please don't let me become obsessed with the food. I've always been very fortunate to have the metabolism that has allowed me to more-or-less eat what I want (in moderation) as long as I've been active. Now, I'm getting older (gasp from the crowd) - yes, its true I'm almost 40 - and this might change but so far this has held true.

These are my random thoughts for the day. I ate fairly well today - as I type this  I'm munching on zuchinni and spicy hummus. Hummus has become one of my new favorites, and this Spicy Hummus from the Superstore is awesome. It leaves my mouth all tingly and almost tricks me into thinking I've eaten something really impressive. There are only 60 cal (in 2 Tbsp), low in sodium, no sugar, and 2 g of protein. A good snack if I do say so. Hubby loves to make the pita chips shown here, he bakes them in the oven with just a hint of olive oil - YUM!

Work was insane and I didn't have time to get any activity in other than a 20 min brisk (cause it was damn cold out) walk with the girls. Kids homework was heavy tonight, and hubby is at the gym. Tomorrow is noon hour workout, and I'm still reeling from Monday's class!! Better exercise day tomorrow


Monday, January 25, 2010


I've mentioned many times about Laurissa, our trainer, and how much we love working out with her. Well, today she reinforced why we love her and it was called TRIPLETS! For those inquiring minds, a triplet is the grouping of three exercises (simple eh?), ours was the following: 10 bootstraps, 10 burpees, and 10 mountain climbers.

Our bootstraps are slightly modified from the ones I've linked her - we do ours with out elbows on our knees then straightening up. Here's an image of the burpee, again we do ours modified with a jump at the end.

And then mountain climbers. Here's a great video that shows how to do a proper mountain climber. And of course we weren't doing just regular mountain climbers - rather than bringing the knees into the chest, we did ours wide legged (so out to the shoulder instead).

So, that was the triplet, but that was only one part of the routine today. We did the following:

  1. Charlies Angels lunges (30) - Lunge sideways with your left leg, feet parallel, arms straight out and parallel to the ground in front of you (in a gun-shooting position). Twist your upper torso to the left so that your arms rotate 90 degrees, then back to starting position. Step up and repeat on right side. Triplet (see above)

  2. Spiderman push-up (10)

  3. Triplet

  4. V-sits (15)

  5. Triplet

  6. V-sits (15)
Believe it or not, doing this routine took our entire 30 minute class, and I was blowing air like a horse that just ran the Derby! I couldn't believe the cardio work that came with those exercises. Wicked workout! This is definately one that I will do again on my own, and honestly why not - it required NO equipment!

Here's an image of the spiderman push-up. Us ladies needed to modify it to our knees - I just couldn't get the strength up to do it full yet!

Spiderman push-up

And here's the V-sit (out flat, v in, out flat):

Anyway, that's it for today. I ate well, and am pleasantly fatigued from the workout. I think I'll plan to hit my secret gym tomorrow at lunch and get some cardio in on the eliptical machine. Tonight, I work hard on NOT getting in the car, driving to the store, and buying a large chocolate bar!!!!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

169!! 169!!!

Sunday morning is weigh-in day for the X-weighted challenge, and this morning I was shocked to land in the '160's'!! I can't believe it, and I can't remember the last time I weighed in the 160's - 169  to be exact! I even re-weighed three times! I started two weeks ago at 174, last week was 172, so that means I've lost 3 lbs this week and 5lbs in total!! I was mentally prepared to hold in at 172 or loose only one pound, but I'm in the 160's! I'm over the moon! I guess all this work is having positive effects, now to see if I can maintain it, or even loose a few more lbs!!

Today was my day of rest - I'll admit I was back and forth about throwing a little 1/2 hour home work out in - but I didn't find time (or motivation) between the kids Gymnastics and Hockey. I'm selling myself on the 'day of rest' belief (that the body needs a day to rest before you start putting it though the paces again).
The real key for today is my eating. Last nights dinner was great, but I know my portion sizes were over. However, I'd eaten really well all day long I think I had enough extra calories to cover it (plus I earned extra calories with the 60 minute Ryder class!). Tonight, hubby chose to saute some veggies for he and I (god knows the kids won't eat it that way) to go with our properly portioned pasta salad:

So, I'm resting my temple and happy in the knowledge that it's no longer in the 170's!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

RealRyders Rock!

Today was excellent, all around wonderful! I started the day with a 60 minute RealRyder class at my studio Core Essentials. The Ryders are up in the loft which is a fantastic space with tons of natural light and a wonderful view of the Halifax Harbour. Here's a pic -

There are about a dozen Ryders up there, and the one instructor (Max) who I've had twice now is excellent  - and highly tolerant of those of us who are new to biking! Its a kick-your-ass 60 minute class that leaves me weak and sweaty - just the way I like it! I'm definately thinking  this is something I'd like to keep in my routine.

Also, I need to congraduate Shanan - she gave it another try and found it easier this time. She had some soreness and wasn't looking positively on trying it again, but she did and she did AWESOME!! Way-to-go Shanan!! I think we both might invest in a padded seat cover though (my hiney is a tad sore tonight too) :)

Starting my day with a good workout makes the rest of my Saturday (home alone with the kids as hubby is working this weekend) so much easier! I cleaned, played board games with the kids, had two extra girls in for an afternoon playdate, and MADE SUPPER! Anyone who knows me well knows that I not only dislike cooking, but I'm terrible at it! LOL!

With strict instructions I seared a porkroast, covered it with tons of garlic and salt and pepper and baked it in the oven. Baked potatoes, peas and a garden salad - looks good doesn't it!

I'm so pleased with my day that I might reward myself my a BEER tonight!! : )
Nitey nite

Friday, January 22, 2010

Workout Log

I've mentioned Shanan, my friend and workout partner, well I have to say I love the way she takes care of me! While she was at Costco earlier this week she picked up two copies of The Ultimate Workout Log - one for her and one for me! So, as I am home with a sick kiddie today I took the quiet time to have a read through and start filling out the workout log.

I like its size, its about 5'x8', about the same size as a small daytimer. The ring binding makes it very easy to open/close, but also to write in it right up to the binding edges. It also looks durable enough to handle being dragged around in my bag. Oh, and did I mention the price? It was only $9.99!! I'm Lovin' Costco!

The book includes good information about why we set goals, and how to set realistic goals (short and long term). It talks about the significance of keeping a lot (accountability & motivation), and how best to use the log. Here's a view of the inside pages too (please forgive the horrible photo quality, my camera broke a few months ago and I'm using my son's point-and-shoot):

So, this log ads to the arsenal of tools to keep motivated and on track  - especially during the hard winter months when my body wants to hibernate and EAT! I think it's harder to see the changes when your body looks like the pure, driven snow - we all look healthier and slimmer with a tan, don't you agree ; )

Today's workout (@ my studio Core Essentials) was awesome, good and sweaty just the way I like it! I always assume that unless I'm sweating and hurting its not really a good workout. Now, I've learn the hard way that this is a myth, thanks to Laurissa! She will give us a core workout, for instance, that is hard to do but I don't necessarily feel wiped out afterwards. The NEXT DAY, however, is always a totally different story!

Today we did a combination of ass-kicking core exercises with a variety of skipping moves in between. I believe there were only three exercises:

  1. squat down, rise up and bring knee to opposite elbow;

  2. prison pushups (plank pushup, and when in the 'up' position tilt all body weight to one side, rotate bringing a straight arm directly over head);

  3. plank bringing one knee in to the elbow and hold for two counts).

I came late so I only did three rounds to the girls four rounds - so to make up for this I skipped at the end for about 4-5 mins. This did not make the girls happy - they were mutinously yelling 'no fair' ! Sorry girls, I worked out yesterday - does that make it any better ; P


Thursday, January 21, 2010

'But I don't wanna workout'

Today was day two of my CPR/First Aid Training (and having done many of these over my lifetime, I must say the instructor was VERY good!) and I was home early. It a beautiful, sunny winter day here (only -3) in the Halifax so I took the girls out for a nice long romp at the park and down the nature trails. We were out for 30 mins, it was great!

When I arrive home I start telling myself that a 30 min walk is more than enough exercise for the day, and there really is no need to do the home workout that I should do. 'I don't WANNA workout' - I am seriously turning into a slug! However, I did summon up the energy to get my hiney moving - more the guilt of not doing it rather than the want to do it.

So, I turned on the workout tunes and wrote myself up a routine. I did the following routine twice:
  • Foward Lunges (10 per leg)
  • Squats (10)
  • Rear Lunges (10 per leg)
  • Squats (10)
  • Side Lunges (10 per leg)
  • Squats (10)

  • Russian Twists with 2 x 10 lbs weights (20)
  • Tricept pull ups (15)
  • Heels-to-heaven (20)
  • Bicept curl (10 per side)
  • Lower legs to hover/raise legs into the air (20)
  • Tricept pull ups (15)
  • Leg twists (on back with legs raised at 45 angle - lower legs slowly to one side, then other) (20)
  • Bicept curl (10 per side)
  • Old School Bicycling - slowly (30)

  • Sit ups (20)
  • Side Plank raises (15 per side)
  • Sit ups (20)
  • Full plank on elbows with rear leg lift (10 per leg)
  • Sit ups (20)
  • Full plank on bumbells, lifting weight to shoulder (10 per arm)

It took me 20 mins the first rep, and 25 the second I was moving at a good pace and was fairly sweaty. I told myself I would have to do two reps, and maybe a third would happen all by its self - that however, did NOT happen. I feel good for having done it, but man, I need the extra motivation these days. Thankfully tomorrow at noon I'll have Laurissa to put me thought my paces!

I must also confess my eating habits this week have not been stellar. Decent, but not great. I'm having a hard time saying no to things in the house (like the kids sweet recess snacks). And, true to my form, I do great all day long only to blow it in the late evening. Suggestions anyone??

Well, suppers ready - gotta  go feed the fam!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just a quickie

Spent the day in CPR/First Aid training so I missed my regular noon hour workout (and I heard from Shanan that it was awesome - they did 5 tobata!!) The upside is that doing CPR for even  minutes is a cardio workout!  I couldn't believe how fast it gets your heartrate up - and I fully expect my arms and back to be tired tomorrow!

The good new is that I was able to partake in a special Zumba class tonight (thank you Kenzie for babysitting!). My workout studio Core Essentials put on a special class tonight in a nearby hotel (so that there would be enough room). The instructor, Laurissa and hotel all gave their time/space for free and all the proceeds from us Zumba dancers was collected for the Doctors without borders Haiti fund. Great class and it felt great to give some small amount to Haiti.

Did I mention that we had a decent amount of snow today, and its one of those nights where you DON'T want to go to Zumba class, instead you'd LOVE to curl up in front of the fire (which is roaring away as I type) with a good book, a cute guy and a glass of wine? Thank goodness for workout partners and the guilt they impose (hugs to Shanan!).

I'm tired, need to eat something (something good, not the crap I want to eat!), and go to bed.

Tomorrow is more First Aid training, so I'm going to have to do a home workout tomorrow evening.

Nitey nite all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day of rest!

So, a busy day running around with meetings, lunch at Hamachi Kita (I had sushi my most favorite thing in the world) with a friend in the Hydrostone Market (another of my favorite places in Halifax to wander through the great stores) - but it was my day off the gym! I also started the iron suppliment Salus today. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive or mental, but I think its working already! Hell, I'm sure my buddy Shanan thinks I'm crazy and that a placebo with make me feel better : P

Anyway, I ate ok (not stellar but ok) and if I can summon up the energy I'll walk the girls for a long walk around the hood (we have a great 30 walk through the park where they can run off leash, and through the trails off leash and by the time we hit the streets again they are well tired and ready to be back onleash.)

So, basically it was a quiet day of rest. The downside is that I realized I'm in training for the next two days so I will miss my noon hour workout on Wed and my secret gym on Thursday. However, I am planning to attend a special Zumba for Haiti Fundraiser where 100% of the proceeds will go to Doctors without Borders in their attempt to bring aid to Haiti. I can feel good about contributing to Haita while getting a little exercise in too. Good for Lauriss and the staff at Core Essentials for putting this on!

Well, the kids are quiet so I think I'll curl up near the fireplace with a good book.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Old Navy made me late...

Before our noon hour workout I decieded to run out and get my passport photo taken for our upcoming trip in April to the Dominican Republic!! Blacks is across from Old Navy, so while I was waiting for the photos to be done I browsed the sales racks - and MAN did they have some sales!! I picked up a linen shirt for me and t-shirts for the kids. Before I knew it there were 10 mins to get across town, change into our gear and get to work!

Good workout today, our routine (x 3 reps) was the following 4 exercises:
  • forward lunge/down into stair-climber (x3)/forward lunge switching in the air (12) ;
  • arm/shoulder presses (legs wide, hinge at the waist, hands on ground and do push-ups (15);
  • heels to heaven/legs to the ground/legs up/legs swing to left/legs swing to right (15);
  • OMG...I can't remember the last exercise - it will come to me.....
In any case, it was a great workout. But I have to say my body has been really tired lately and I'm finding I just don't have the extra 10% to give to my workouts. On the advice of my trainer I'm going to try an iron suppliment called Salus - I'm anemic by nature, and as I've been eating more carefully (read - careful about calories and fat) I'm sure I'm just not getting the iron I need. So, we'll try this and see if it puts the pep back in my step.

Tomorrow is my day of rest, and man, my body CAN'T WAIT! : )


Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Kicks!

So, after putting it off for ages I finally broke down and bought new sneakers! Sport Check was having a buy-one second 1/2 price so hubby and I both got new kicks! I used to be a Nike girl, but a few years ago a shoe salesman, knowing I have a narrow heel and instep, asked me to try Asics. I've never turned back. They make a wonderful shoe that actually fits my foot. The other thing I wasn't aware of was that I was buying my shoes a 1/2 size too small - there should be room for the toes to move in the end without getting sore. I'm a  tad clumsy, so I always thought I should have a well fitted shoe that didn't have extra in the toe that would contribute to my tripping and falling : }

So, I'm off to Zumba class this morning in my new kicks - I'll let you know tomorrow how they performed! They were expensive, and I shudder to think of all the other things I could have done with the money, but this is part of the new mind set of 'I'm worth it'!

Also, I did my weigh-in for X-Weighted  and I'm down 2lbs (now 172lbs)! I think that's good and healthy. I only have 10 lbs to loose according to X-Weighted, but I think I'd like to loose more like 15. That would bring me to 160 and I think that's a perfect weight for me, my height and muscle mass.

We'll its off to class....

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I missed the last two days of working out (unless you could the 30 min walk with the dogs yesterday) and today I totally made up for it! I arrived at Core Essentials this morning thinking I was getting into a 30 min 'Saturday Surprise' class, but ended up taking a 60 min RealRyder class - sans the 30 min intro class!  Most people start with the 30 min intro, then maybe work up to the 45 min class - not me, I dive right in with a 60 min class!

I've done spin classes years ago, and hadn't yet tried the was amazing and it KICKED MY A$$!! Holy Cow!! Interval training, hills, some rest periods, posting and LEANING!

RealRyder™ is the only indoor cycle that allows the rider to functionally engage the upper body and core musculature while the legs do the pedaling. The RealRyder™ bikes have an 18 degree lean on each side. The exercise offers enhanced total-body fitness benefits while bringing the natural movements of outdoors cycling indoors.

So, now I'm feeling good and tired! It really was the hardest workout, and odd too. My legs were screaming at me until half way through, and then I seemed to hit my stride and they felt good again. Legs are still tired now but not hurting.

Tomorrow is another Zumba class, so I'm resting up tonight for that one! I ate well, except for the beer  - it hard not to have at least one on the weekend, while dining with friends! I earned that beer today I guess.

Nitey nite

Friday, January 15, 2010

Weekends here!

I can't believe this is my second day in a row with no real workout - I think this is the first since christmas where this happened. I missed my regular Friday noonhour workout as I had a professional development luncheon that I couldn't miss.  Now, I did take A & E for a 30 min walk through the trails and up and down the substantial hills of my neighbourhood - but I wasn't tired or winded afterwards.  Here's a picture of A & E together: Abby and Echo my crazy border collie (mixes) girls!

The good thing about the weekend is that now I can make the time to get a class in each day to make up for the week! I've already checked it out, and the plan is to take the Saturday Surprise class, and on Sunday try out a Real Ryder indoor cycling class!

Can't wait to tell all, I've not tried this before and it looks like so much fin - and quite the sweaty workout from those who have tried it!

Now, if I can stay out of the snacks tonight I'll be doing alright!


Thursday, January 14, 2010


My day started with a trip to my old office. Let me start by saying that I LOVE my old office for its people, it's location and its happy environment. I was there for over 5 years, so visiting the old office feels like old home week - its as if I'm Norm from Cheers with greetings of "Mags! How the hell are you?". I always leave happy but sad that I don't work there anymore.

Anyway, today was much like other visits with the exception that two people made comments about my loosing weight! Shar stopped mid-sentence when she saw me and exclaimed 'boy, you've lost some weight haven't you?', and Andy (man) made me turn around to point out all the 'lesser' area (which included my hiney!!!)! Thanks to both of you for noticing and making a point to tell me - you've made my whole week!!

Today is my day of rest...I feel like I need it too. Unfortunately I will miss my noon hour workout tomorrow due to professional training that I can't miss - I'm hoping hubby will take the kids to swimming tomorrow night so I can squeeze a workout in tomorrow evening at home. This means I also have to get something in both Sat and Sun. I must checkout the Core Essentials schedule to see what drop in's are available....

Maybe I'll catch up on my knitting projects tonight - I've a few pending items that I've promised people. Check out my my little knitting website if your interested - Here's a sample of the little critters I make! This is an octi-guy, cute and totally chewable for little ones!

Nite nite

Hump Day

Nothing too exciting to tell about today. My calves are sore from yesterdays' eliptical workout - Laurissa informed me, much to my chagrin, that I was doing it wrong and that's why my legs are sore :} So, the next time I'm in my secret gym I will be able to try it the 'right' way - and likely feel the burn in a whole new area! LOL!

Workout at noon was excellent - just what I needed. We did four exercises, and worked that for 25 mins. It wasn't timed but we each worked through the routine at our own speed. We (Shanan, Jen C and I) all did great. I must say Jen C (new back to working out after some maternity leave) did just fine and kept an excellent pace. I wonder how tired and sore she will be tomorrow :)

Our workout today was: 1. Squat/jump/switching in the air to a lunge. Lunge/jump/switching in the air back to a squat (20 reps); 2. Leg raises on a ball (laying across the ball using arms to hold body up) - cross legs and raise/ legs at highest open legs/cross legs and lower back to the ground (20 reps); 3. single leg lunge with oposite leg resting on a stair (at 45 degree angle) (10 per leg); 4. my favorite (NOT) mountain climbers (30 reps). I think, although I was just getting through this and not really paying attention, we did it 4 times.

That's alllll to help with homework and house cleaning...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Secret workout!

I found a place a 10 minute drive from my office that has a happenin' little gym that I can use - for free!! The down side is that I have to have my car to access it (I usually commute by bus), but the upside is that I can use it once or twice a week to add the few extra workouts I need to meet my X-Weighted goal of working out 30 mins a day for 5 days a week.

So, at noon I snuck in! Its a good little spot, two treadmills, free weights, stair-climber, mats, balls, bosu and an eliptical. It even has mirrors on the walls so you can check your form and showers nearby! So, I was able to do a warm up, and cool down with a 30 minute eliptical workout!! Yay!!! I was hoping to make the extra workouts (those above the three I do with my trainer Laurissa) more cardio based as I think I have some room for improvement in this area of my fitness. I was quite pleased with the workout and my performace - I wasn't winded and could felt like I could have kept going. Right now, however, I'm pleased that I stopped and am thinking about a nice Epsum salt soak before crawling into bed with my book. : )

Also, my eating was bang on today - I have calories left and I'm really not hungry and only slightly 'snacky'. I think I'll pop some SmartPop and call it a day.


Monday, January 11, 2010


On my commute into work (on the bus) I sat listening to my Ipod jammed up against lots of other commuters - it was cold today so the bus was full. I had recently downloaded Dave Carroll's solo CD was struck again by the beauty and truth in his song Now.

It got me thinking about about all the ladies I know who are currently struggling and working hard to improve themselves (inside & out). We all have blocks when it come to eating healthy and making outselves exercise, the problem is trying to overcome these blocks - we all fight them everyday. The more I listened to the song, the more inspirational I felt it was:

Cause now's all there is,
So peacefull and still,
and now we don't worry about
what's happened or what will.

Casuse now never ends,
and now's never been,
and all of your answers,
are waiting for you here - now.

So, don't worry about the past, your sucesses or your losses - it right here, right now so go and take it! "When there's no way out, there's still a way through"


PS We had a great noon hour workout, we took a newbie (Jennifer) who did great for the first time out since having a baby.  I also had a good 25 min walk with the pooches tonight tonight - it was cold so we were walking fast! My eating habits were much better today thanks in part to the  My Plate program - I might grow to hate it as I am now accountable for everything I pop in my mouth. I really makes you think twice before grabbing a sugary snack!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

X-Weighted + Zumba = Tired!

Ok, today is day 2 of X-Weighted but for me the first day of really watching what I'm eating. I don't think any is really aware of what/how much they are actually eating unless you start journaling about it - its a measurable way to become accountable for what you are putting in your body. Shanan, my workout partner, shared  with me a great website that easily helps you not only track what you've eaten but the calories! Its put out there by Live and the tool is called My Plate. Thank you Shanan, this is much easier than keeping notes on scraps of paper! LOL!

For exercise Shanan and I participate in a Zumba Dance Party (aka -sweat your @##$ off class)! It was great, but I was low on engery before I even got to class so I didn't give it the 110%, probably more like 95%. But I kept moving, got some great cardio in and dropped several pound in sweat! LOL! Thanks to Martha for the class, I'll definately throw those into my routine again soon.

Now, the house is clean, kids are fed, boys are watching football so daughter and I will curl up with a movie and chill! If I can summon up the energy I might even knit! Oh, and I started updated my my knitting website today too - check it out if your interested!

The sofa calls!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hurray for the weekend!

Well, I really had no intentions of workout out today - I love that whole 'give your body a rest' theory and was planning on enbracing it today! But, as hubby got himself out to door for the gym bright and early I felt the pressure to keep up, but also the urge to do it!

So, with the kids quietly tucked away I set out the following routine: Forward lunge (10/leg), rear lunge (10/leg), side lunge (10/leg), russian twist (in a v-sit) with a 20 lb weight, feet to heaven (20), old school bicycle (20 done slowly), side plank raise (15/side), full plank on elbows with leg lift (15/leg). I did this routine three times and it took me 35 mins. I worked hard and at a good pace, phew! I was tired when I was done, but was really pleased that I did it.

Tomorrow is a Zumba Dance party Zumba Dance Party at Core Essentials Studio - Zumba is alot of fun, and wholy cow! what a cardio workout! This is a really fun way to throw a-little-something-different into my routine.

Well, off to clean the house.
Happy Weekend!

PS I signed up for X-Weighted tonight. There is another blogger Amy's Quest to Skinny that I follow (she actually inspired me to start blogging) who not only was strong enough to sign up for the challenge, but also to post her 'before' photos. I know she's feeling badly as she's moved backward from her goals and at her weight now but I find her inspirational!

I'm not brave enough to post photos, but I will share my sign-in stats:
Weight 174lbs (the x-weighted system says I need to loose 10 lbs)
chest: 39"
waist: 36"
hips: 42"

It will be interesting to see where I land in 26 weeks (which is the x-weighted challenge)....any guesses?

Nite : )

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fab Friday workout!

Workout today was Killer!! Laurissa had us do a time trial (which I love)! There is no better way to make me work harder than to tell me that you are timing me! And, of course I'm super competitive so I play head games with myself  - "you will be faster than everone in the class!!" I need to give a 'shout-out' to my workout partner Shanan - she finds skipping hard and I must say that she was working HARD today! Way to Go Shanan!!! : )

The  routine went like this: Skip (50 times), pull ups (12), skip (50), burpee with wide legged push-up (12), skip (50), plank with leg lift (12 per leg), skip (50), v-sit/toe touch/scissor each leg (12). Do the whole routine 3 times and record time. Today I clocked in at 21:24, the goal would be to shave a minute or more off this when we do it next (which won't be for a few weeks likely). Phew, I was wiped and it turned out to be a great cardio workout too!

Eating has been good thus far, but its only just supper time so we'll see how I make out tonight. I'm going to surf the net a bit for a nice, healthy snack tonight.

Happy Friday everyone.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

X-Weighted anyone?

So my girl Shanan and I are thinking about signing up for the X-weighted National Challenge Its this Saturday in Halifax at the South Park Street YMCA - first 50 get lootbags...I might do it just for the lootbag! Well, also they do a weigh-in, measurements and a fitness test which might also prove interesting.

No workout today, I a tad under the weather and I have the Union vote tonight - so it really isn't gonna happen. But, I've eaten pretty well (for being home all day and near the fridge!) and I'll be working out tomorrow at noon and I've signed up for a Zumba class for Sunday at noon. So, I'm feeling overall ok.

Some times I get so excited with my progress I forget its taken 6 months to get here and expect the last few inches to just fall off. Really I need to be more realistic and remember that the last few inches are often the hardest to loose!

Just a quicky tonight folks....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chriopractor & a great workout!

So, to be honest last night did not go as anticipated...sigh. After writing my post I had a long discussion with my hubby about my upcoming union vote on a new contract - one that I'm not happy with and am worried about how the vote will go. My employer is playing serious hard ball - to the degree that we are not only not 'getting' anything new in this contract, but in my opinion we are LOSING important rights. But I digress.

I was left thinking I should have gone and worked those frustrations out in the basement gym? Instead I had a 'snack-attack' and started grazing in the kitchen. The good news is it was mostly healthy foods, but much more that I needed to eat.

Today I put that all aside and looked to the new day at hand. I had a early chriopractic apointment that was well overdue - then into my workday. Awesome lunch hour workout! Laurissa had us using both the Kettlbells, and the TRX machine It was a great cardio workout, but also strength moves - I love that we are always doing something different!

Eating habits have been right on the mark today (as I type I'm munching on raw cabbage - gotta have the crunch factor!) I'm pleased with that. So, we'll see what tomorrow brings.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thank heaven for Massage Therapists!

I started my day with a visit to my massage therapist Angie  - it was well overdue, but man-oh-man do I feel better. She hit all the spots that have been overworked in my workouts of late. The downside to massage in the am is goind to work afterwards instead of home to lay on the sofa. :)

I was reading an interesting website about fat burning foods today. It said foods that are high in protein and fiber are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn fat - it takes more energy to digest protein than it does to digest fat. So the more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns. Some of the proteins I eat daily now are fish or lean meats, almonds and dried fruits, boiled eggs, small servings of cheese. I have alot more reading and learning to do about  healthy eating, its a goal of mine: a) to know how to eat the right foods, but more importantly b) to do it!
All this talk of food is making me hungry so instead I think I`ll take myself downstairs and get a little home workout in - as my calves are still sore I think I`ll focus on core work. I`d really rather lay on the sofa by the fire with a good book, but I know I`ll be happy I took this opportunity later!

Off I go!

Monday, January 4, 2010

First day back

Well, as far as first days back from the holidays go, I guess this one was ok. Nothing bad happened, I could see my desk (no huge pile of papers left for me while I was away) and I had a great workout at lunch!
My calves were still extreemly sore from the 12 mins of skipping I had incorporated into my Saturday workout, but I worked through it and I must admit theyfeel somewhat better now.

I should tell you more about how I train, or how Laurissa trains me. My trainer is Laurissa Manning and her company is Core Essentials ( Laurissa believes in regular, efficient (30 mins) workouts, and good nutrition. She's a great motivator and always keeps it fresh and new! I've tried her 'Booty Boot Camps', the Zumba Dance classes, and water rowers, but am loving the Power 1/2 Hour that we now do 3 noon hours a week (and it's just a block away from my office!). I hope to try her RealRiders next!

So, today we did a cardio styled workout - today was a group of 4 exercises for 20 mins. Two legged burpes, push-ups, lunges (switching in the air), push-ups. That's it, nice and simple...but man after the first 15 minutes I was feeling the burn, especially my poor calves! Finish with some stretching, and 'Bingo' done for the day!

I plan a nice soak in an epsom salt tub with a huge glass of water and a good book - once the kids are tucked away for the night!  Here's a good link on the benefits of epsom salts -

I also noticed today that my new pants (one size down from where I was when I started with Laurissa) and getting pretty baggy - YEAH!!  Do I dare head back to the store to see if I'm down another size? : ) I think I'll give it another few weeks and see where I'm at. I don't use a scale to gage my success, instead we use body measurements. We aren't due to measure again for at least another 4 weeks so I'm not sure where I am. Hhhmmm, I'll have to consider this further - and check my pocket book! :)

Nitey-nite all.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

So, here I go with my first blog! Lets start with some background - last summer I realized (with some horror) that I would be turning 40 in April of 2010. Now, I'm your average 39 year old, mother of 2 who works full time. Between the hockey and gymnastics, walking the 2 dogs, finding time for my husband and I, and keeping house there was really little time for me to look after me!

The thought of turning 40 was frightening but what was more frightening was the fact that I had opted to celebrate this momentus event with a trip to the Dominican Republic! At first this sounded wonderful until I found myself imagining myself in my bathing suit - EEEeeekkkk!

I was lucky enough to have found a group of girls (especially Shanan seen above in this picture) at the office to workout with, and a personal trainer (you'll hear more about Laurissa later!) who met with us three lunch hours a week. Its been a blast so far, I love pushing myself and watching the changes in my body. And now, here I am 6 months of working out and eating properly (most of the time) with only 4 months until I hit the beach!

That's it for tonight.