Monday, January 25, 2010


I've mentioned many times about Laurissa, our trainer, and how much we love working out with her. Well, today she reinforced why we love her and it was called TRIPLETS! For those inquiring minds, a triplet is the grouping of three exercises (simple eh?), ours was the following: 10 bootstraps, 10 burpees, and 10 mountain climbers.

Our bootstraps are slightly modified from the ones I've linked her - we do ours with out elbows on our knees then straightening up. Here's an image of the burpee, again we do ours modified with a jump at the end.

And then mountain climbers. Here's a great video that shows how to do a proper mountain climber. And of course we weren't doing just regular mountain climbers - rather than bringing the knees into the chest, we did ours wide legged (so out to the shoulder instead).

So, that was the triplet, but that was only one part of the routine today. We did the following:

  1. Charlies Angels lunges (30) - Lunge sideways with your left leg, feet parallel, arms straight out and parallel to the ground in front of you (in a gun-shooting position). Twist your upper torso to the left so that your arms rotate 90 degrees, then back to starting position. Step up and repeat on right side. Triplet (see above)

  2. Spiderman push-up (10)

  3. Triplet

  4. V-sits (15)

  5. Triplet

  6. V-sits (15)
Believe it or not, doing this routine took our entire 30 minute class, and I was blowing air like a horse that just ran the Derby! I couldn't believe the cardio work that came with those exercises. Wicked workout! This is definately one that I will do again on my own, and honestly why not - it required NO equipment!

Here's an image of the spiderman push-up. Us ladies needed to modify it to our knees - I just couldn't get the strength up to do it full yet!

Spiderman push-up

And here's the V-sit (out flat, v in, out flat):

Anyway, that's it for today. I ate well, and am pleasantly fatigued from the workout. I think I'll plan to hit my secret gym tomorrow at lunch and get some cardio in on the eliptical machine. Tonight, I work hard on NOT getting in the car, driving to the store, and buying a large chocolate bar!!!!


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