After supper I was feeling pretty good and I found myself with a quiet hour - so I decieded to push myself through a home workout. As I'm low on energy I told myself that all I needed was to pick a good group of exercise and run though it twice. I stayed more focused on form that keeping my heartrate up and running though it fast.
Here the site where I found todays workout - Jen Sinkler's blog. Jen works for Experience Life Magazine, and this particular blog dealt with Eliza Au (karate world champion) and a workout routine Elisa shared with Jen. It looked interesting, many of the exercises were similar to those we do but with just enough new exercises to make it fun.
So here it is (I modified it slightly):
- Charlie's Angels Lunges - Lunge forward with your left leg, feet parallel, arms straight out and parallel to the ground in front of you (in a gun-shooting position). Twist your upper torso to the left so that your arms rotate 90 degrees, then back to starting position. Step up and repeat on right side (10 per side).
- Burpees (10)
- Arm Shuffles - Squat down and place hands on the floor, shoulder width apart. Kick your feet back into a push-up starting position. Bring feet back under you and immediately jump up in a star position (arms and legs all extended) - (15)
- Supermans - Lay on your stomach. Lift your legs and arms off the ground and hold position for 10 seconds to a minute (20). Lift alternate arm and leg, hold for 5 seconds (10 per side).
- V-ups - Lie on your back. Lift your legs and arms/shoulders off the ground to create a V-shape with your body. Lower your arms and legs without letting them touch the ground (15).
- Planks - Full plank for one minute. Alternate arm and leg up in a plank position (30 seconds per side).
- Figure 8's - Laying on your back, legs together and at a 45 degree angle from the group rotate legs in a figure 8 in the air - slowly! (20)
- Heels to Heaven - Same position as Figure 8's, use ab's to lift feet (your bum will also come off the ground a small amount) straight in the air and lower back down (20).
Now I'm tired, my nose is running, my throat is sore and I can hear my bed calling me from down the hall. This is how I feel:
Please let me feel better tomorrow, I can't miss work and more importantly I don't want to be sick over the weekend!!
Nitey from the sickie
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